Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dentitex Toothbrushes

Formia (LT), Ass Teatrarte active

After the great success of the theatrical exhibition "Act" held in Formia July 22 to 25 by the Ass. Teatrarte, summer Formiana will once again star the show "What to do?" Directed by and starring Enzo Scipione.
The work is taken from the famous novel by Ignazio Silone "Fontamara.
The actor, except that the director, highlights, through an energetic monologue, accompanied by original music, text, prepared by the master M. Marco Massaro, the desperate existence of 'peasants', ie those farmers who lived in southern Italy beginning of the twentieth century, is heavily indented.
Without implied allusions and shows how easily the powers that be, managing to circumvent the country's inhabitants, with only the use of the word, thus depriving them of all rights, access to water on the freedom to vote. Issues of this extraordinary relevance to grasp the universality of the message to viewers of Silone, which is to fight with the tools of culture to ensure that life is better for all and therefore satisfy the hunger for justice.
fact just when the peasants become aware of their condition will be wondering what to do?
It is no coincidence that the reworking the director will put this question as a title as a warning to take action, not to suffer more injustice and regain their human dignity, conscious of having to suffer because, as Silone said that "the pain is not ashamed anymore but will become the name of respect and perhaps even honor. "

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Velveeta-rotel Tomato Chicken Pasta

Third Prize Sezze

Third Prize Sezze city of 24 to 28 August 2010
Center multipurpose U. Calabresi Memorial Park - Sezze (lt)
The Ass. Alchemy Art Group is pleased to announce that 24 to 28 August 2010 at the U. Center Calabresi, a wonderful multi-purpose structure embedded within the Park of Remembrance Sezze (lt), we held the third edition of the document Film Fest - City of Sezze prize.
We came to the final day of the Festival.
All twelve films in competition have been shown in previous days. The public had the opportunity to experience a festival with all its proposals, screenings and concerts in a completely free and with a real chance to get in touch with other stories. All films in competition, while their projections have proven once again to captivate the audience and guiding them through thrilling new stories that make up our contemporary world.
The day's program in the projection room inside, the last of five short films from the Wirral International Film Festival in Liverpool and with which the document Film Fest supports a path made up of synergies and mutual support and help.
In the next edition of the Wirral will be films from the third edition of the document Film Fest to be "exported" and screened out of competition at Liverpool. At 21:00
preview screening of the trailer for the film "Lunanomalia" (directed by Marco Bartolomucci) co-produced by. Asst Art Group and Alchemy AR.PA. Cinerental and forthcoming. Following the president of the Ass. Alchemy Art Group Cristiano Di Rosa and will announce the winner of the award personally Cities Sezze "award for best film. The screening of the film declared the winner of the third edition of the document Film Fest is a must. At the end it will be announced and awarded the film with the best soundtrack that will win the prize "Ilaria Floriani," added further recognition by the artistic director of the festival this year.
The best way to enter this third edition is likely to pay homage to one of the most important authors of Italian cinema Roberto Rossellini and do so through the presence of R. Rossellini Foundation will present "It was night in Rome, Open City", a film that brings together and intersects the stories Rossellini set in Rome during the period between the German occupation and the liberation by the Americans. The 'wire' of this new combination of the characters are made up by the events of four films of Rossellini - Rome, Open City, Paisan, was one night in Rome, a year - that tell, polyphonic ringtones, into a single film 122 ', a fundamental the history of our country. "It was night in Rome, Open City" was created to promote the realization of the most important project of Rossellini, a "poly-encyclopedia of the humanist tradition," left unfinished by the death of the author. The "Roberto Rossellini Foundation for the development of encyclopaedic thought," he In fact one of its goals is to continue, as well as raise awareness of the work undertaken by the author, to develop it in the form of hypermedia and making it available as a service-learning and training as he would like the author himself. The example of audiovisual "It was night in Rome city" open to show how you can bring out the design following the correlations Rossellini encyclopedic narrative that each project contains the author. It 's the very work of Rossellini, inviting the viewer to rearrange the segments of the ideal work Rossellini regardless of their linear arrangement and the timing of implementation, follow the lattice deviations suggested by each segment of each project, to take one after another of the many perspectives mentioned by the author for encyclopedic approach to his work. Pamina
Professor Alexander, director of the Foundation Rossellini personally explain what is the last project designed by the Foundation and titled "1943 - 1945 Italy between occupation and liberation," a television miniseries that recounts, recovering all the contributions Rossellini on the topic, stories and history of occupation and liberation of Italy from 43 to 45.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Open Big Breast Of World

city of Gaeta (LT), The World

The World, an exhibition of painting for adults and children provided
Opening August 14 at the school is to be inaugurated Mazzini
Saturday, August 14 at 18.30 at the school, "Mazzini", in the historic St. Erasmus, the exhibition of Petrana Hristova Tchoukatcheva entitled 'The World. " It
- explains the Head of Culture, Salvatore Di Ciaccio - an exhibition dedicated specifically to children and the fantastic that dwells in each person: an ode to the importance of appreciating the finer things in life such as sincerity, ' friendship and all the values \u200b\u200bthat adults should be returned to discover in everyday life. "
The artist has made the school of fine arts in Bulgaria and 20 years living and working in Rome where he studied engraving at the School St. James and illustration at the European Institute of Design. He has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and Bulgaria.
'Exhibition - adds Di Ciaccio - also has a social value as the proceeds of the gadgets sold during the exhibition will be donated to the "Walking Together Onlus," whose head is the pediatric surgeon in Italy don Andrea Cadila, for Gossage program of support and solidarity for children living in Uganda. " Godmother of the exhibition will
Fatima Scialdone which gave a significant boost to this exhibition will remain open until 30 August from 18.30 to 24 at the school Mazzini

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Extreme Curvesgalleries

Terracina (LT), the photographic exhibition "TTL - Through the lands"

The collective ZEROTRE / Pictures presents
"TTL - Through The Lands" The reports of the collective
ZEROTRE in the heart of Terracina (via the field of flowers) Opening Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 22.0011 - August 22, 2010
will be held at the premises of the gallery ZEROTRE, as a field of flowers, in the heart of Terracina (LT), 11 to August 22, the photographic exhibition "TTL - Through the lands." Organized by the Collective ZEROTRE / pictures, the exhibition presents a summary of recent photographic projects of the members of the collective. The images are part of the report made in Mexico, Palestine, Argentina and Italy. "Italians of Chipilo" Hector Maragoni tells the daily life of a community of descendants of settlers from Veneto in the State of Puebla, in central Mexico. "Flashes of Intifada" by Christian Minelli describes the state of tension in the contested city of Jerusalem, the scene in recent months of violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces. "Modern Times" by Massimiliano Pinna is a work in black and white workers on the IMP, one of the first retrieved and self-managed factories in Argentina, in the heart of Buenos Aires. "Impruneta 51" tells the story of Francis Sinni former school March 8, occupied for residential purposes by two and a half years from 40 families in Magliana district in Rome. The Collective
ZEROTRE / pictures was founded in 2010 by a group of young freelance photographers working in the field of social reportage, current affairs and research. The name of the team is inspired by the number of the place where born, sharing space and artistic enjoyment. The projects stem from personal visions of reality, albeit with different styles, are summed up in reference to a common idea of \u200b\u200bphotography criticism, creative and free. The Collective is made up of photographers Ettore Marangoni, Christian Minelli, Massimiliano Pinna, Francesco Sinni.
Opening hours: daily except Monday, from 22.00 to 00.30. Free admission.
For information
+39 3289160151 - 3270003004

Boobs Heroines Milk Bollywood

Cisterna (LT), SUMMER TANK "Roman women"


"Roman women", WITHOUT RINALDI
on stage in the square of Cisterna Estate March 19, rose to 21.30 do not, as expected, the actress Nadia Rinaldi.
The filming of a movie, in fact, see it busy away from the tank and so its production has indicated that, unfortunately, can not be performed, as was done successfully last year with his new show.
In its place will be performing Paul Gatti will therefore be an actor and author of "Roman Women," the same show that was to play Nadia Rinaldi. Alongside
Paolo Gatti Giorgia Fini and there will Alessia Alongi in a show full of songs, folk songs, serenades, curiosity and idioms purely roman.
Theater in Roman dialect, will be back on stage again Cisterna Summer Saturday, August 14, again at 21.30, with "What a life difficult" and Alfiero Alfieri.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Histogram

SFCirceo ( LT), Miss Blue Sea 2010

The show scheduled for Friday, August 13 in the square in Rio Torto
Miss Blue Sea 2010, the catwalk beauty
In the second stage of the selection program applies to regional final of national competition of beauty. Space also music and dance.
beauties on the catwalk, dance and music until late at night. These are the ingredients of "Miss Blue Ocean Italy 2010 ", the second stage of regional beauty contest national program Friday, August 13 at 21:30 in the Rio Torto square in San Felice Circeo. The show, which will be presented by Silvia Altobelli and Mauro Bruno, is organized by Michele Cammarano and white pepper with the sponsorship of the Pro Loco and the City of San Felice Circeo.
The evening, as I said, falls within the valid selections for the final of "Miss Blumare Italy," the superconcorso that will compete on the catwalk in the top 6 selections from Studioimmagine organized with 54 other girls from all over Italy, and select the various road -show pitches in the peninsula. The final event will take place on board the extraordinary cruise ship MSC Splendida days 15 to 22 October 2010.
During the show at the Circeo, space, therefore, not only to the girls on the catwalk, but also to the seven notes with the performance of singers Jessica and Valerie D'Isanto Sabellico, and dance that will be devoted students of the center "La Sylphide "San Felice Circeo. The closure is carried out in grand style Dj Umberto Pagliaroli.

Driver Matshita Bd-mlt Uj232as

Alatri / FR), 40 th International Folk Festival

CITY 'Department of ALATRI
to organize the 40th International Folk Festival Alatri "Flavio Fiorletta"
in Old Town
11 to 15 August 2010

Volleyball Shorts Spandex In Brampton

Fondi (LT), Mr Pi Greek art exhibition in


exhibition will be held in Mr Pi Greek art in the Funds
days 11 - 12 - August 13, 2010 at 21:15 at the Cloister of San Domenico in the Funds.
August 11: "Where is Hell?" - Fragments from the first canticle of Dante - an interactive performance of music, dance, painting and theater groups performed by the theater, music and cinema of the Association Mr Pi
and with the participation of Sara Catellani (dance), and Marco Marrocco
Antonio Cataldi ( music), Gianni Leone (diamonds). Directed by Giuseppe Pestillo.
August 12: Pi in Jazz - Paul Recchia, and DUO Luca Mannutza
August 13: "A Pa '" in memory of Pier Paolo Pasolini - The groups literature, music, cinema theater and the Ass. Mr Pi Greek implement a tribute to Pasolini by readings, films, music.
In the evening there is also the show "Garbatella" the company Matuta Theatre.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hipaa Dental Violation

SFCirceo (LT), this program La7

YOU KNOW THAT ... The episode of the program
La7 talk about the "Turkish Neapolitan" shot in San Felice
Suitcase of Dreams, Tomorrow aired the episode dedicated to the Circeo
Simon Annicchiarico will bring in nearly sixty years ago the exact spots where scenes were filmed the film with the great hero Toto.
will air tomorrow at 23:05 on August 2 La7 the episode of "The suitcase of dreams" dedicated to the film "A turkish Neapolitan "by Toto protagonist, some scenes were shot in San Felice Circeo. The crew
La7 program, conducted by Simone Annichiarico, son of famous actors Walter Chiari and Alida Chelli, had landed a few days ago in the shadow of the headland, precisely in the same locations in the city center and the waterfront where, almost 60 years ago was 1953, the film was shot by Mario Mattioli. During the visit to
Circeo, cameras La7 returned to the exact points of views that have evolved over time, but will remain in the memory of those who loved the film. There will, of course, as in every episode of "The suitcase of dreams", a deepening on memories and anecdotes of those who took part in the film.
Even today, many years later, the film is among the most famous who were shot in San Felice Circeo. To the big screen adaptation of the farce "turkish napulitana Nu" (1888) by Eduardo Scarpetta, was the first film of the triptych shoe, complete with "Poverty and Nobility" and "The doctor of the insane", both of 1954, again with Mario Mattioli behind the camera and with Toto in the shoes of Felix Sciosciammocca. The film will be aired at 21:10, before the program directed by Annicchiarico.