Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Best Waxing In Jacksonville Fl

Thursday, February 24 in Bologna, in the 'Aula Magna Ciamician Via Selmi, held a meeting with S. Latouche, who presented his new essay way out of the society consumption: the tao of decrease.
's analysis of contemporary culture to Latouche, lucid and radical, is sometimes lightened by humor and quotes from "the greatest philosopher exists: W. Allen and Marx," but not Karl Marx Groucho Marx. "
We try to reconstruct the main content of his speech.
exit from the consumer society is to break the paradigm Western, as popular between the sixteenth and the eighteenth century, of "more and more", the "productivity".
The roads that we are facing two.
The first way is called the "growth with growth " is one that leads to extinction of the species. She remembered how in the history of the planet there have been five great extinctions, the last of which is the one that led to the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Today disappear every day, hundreds of animal species. Particularly dear to us as a species threatened with extinction is that of the bees (with all the problems that poses to the ecosystem, I might add!). The nature in Western thought is not subject law, so we will abused, rape (for the nature of Western thought is not the great mother, Pachamama of the peoples of South America).
In the current situation reminded Latouche, even if we stop burning oil completely, the global temperature rise of 2 degrees, however. At its current level of consumption is expected to hand a rise in temperature of 5 degrees or more. This means that whole areas of the planet will soon be submerged! Several times
Latouche pointed out that only a madman or an economist can conceive of infinite growth on a finite planet!
The way out and Decolonization the imagination of growth. The infinite growth is a mythical story that builds the equation = HAPPINESS = Cost of goods GDP growth. GDP growth of 2% projected in 2000 years (a relatively short period of time for the life of a planet) gives unimaginable figures produced goods and, therefore, huge quantities of waste can not be disposed of.
This whole economic machine (first theorized by Adam Smith in 1776 with the Essay on the wealth of nations) is based on the premise that "always more" that usually define greed becomes instead the condition of public happiness. But instead of this economy produces wealth of nations enormous wealth on the one hand and the misery of millions of people!
If Marx (Karl, in this case) had already been mentioned in his time of "immense accumulation of commodities", what would he think today we are entering a mall?
The consumer society has worked "well" in the thirty years after the war thanks to three powerful factors: the marketing and advertising (the main instrument of colonization of the imagination), the credit (and therefore the loans as an incentive for consumption); the planned obsolescence of products (such as a computer "expire" after a few years).
But now "the party is over. " We are moving from the dream of the nightmare of Darwin Smith! Over all, the company that supplies new needs, continuously produces frustration: it feeds the desire in the absence of the desired object.
True abundance is produced by limiting the need, with frugality.
As Castoriadis says we live in a democracy governed by the post lobbies and the media, fueled by what the Greeks termed hibrys , dramatically.
The second way is that we are taking today: The growth without growth ! It is the road of despair, that of a company's growth is not growing, increasingly populated by the unemployed. A society that, to make ends meet, cuts in social expenditure, health, school ... Around the corner from the company's growth without growth there are authoritarian regimes, in which the repressive apparatus in the service of defending the privileges ! In terms of environmental impact the second way could be better than the first because it produces less. But it's like crashing into a wall at 200 per hour instead of 300!
The only way out is Degrowth which implies first and foremost a cultural revolution (the decrease can also see my article THE WISDOM OF SNAIL ).
Latouche concluded his speech by showing an engraving on stone zen whose meaning is: "you can access the happiness by limiting desires .
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Where Bto Sell My Pearls
published an article from "The Well Padova.
This photo is a piece of history ... That picture is the helicopter of Silvio Berlusconi, about to land in the Arena of Milan. E 'February 20, 1986, exactly five years ago: Berlusconi, owner of Fininvest, the company that controlled Rete 4, Canale 5 and Italy 1 (now called Mediaset), acquires Milan. It comes in its own way, with great effect. At that time few people know, but it will change everything.
In 1986, the Milan is a society very different from today, we could call it a fallen nobleman: he won the last championship in 1979 with Gianni Rivera still in camp, then he knew the match-fixing, el'onta of two years of series B, a desk and an "earned" in the field. That season was eliminated in the third round of the UEFA Cup by Belgian Waregem, complete with a hard challenge and the final accident that will cost at the San Siro two-match ban in Europe. At the end of the championship will not be able even to reach a position in UEFA and in that moment is also on the verge of bankruptcy. The President is Giuseppe Farina, another old-style pork Viganò at the end of the 70 had sunk to the C2 Padova, sacrificing in "honor" to his Vicenza, vice president of Gianni Rivera that Milan was the flag ... The Nerazzurri cousins \u200b\u200bin those years are just a little better, and Juventus badges is splitting with the rest of Italy: a year for me, one year to the various Roma / Verona / Naples on duty! The football is very different, although the billions already tadpole and sponsors: foreigners can not exceed two per team, the only television stations broadcast the matches in European Cups and a summary of a Sunday night game of the league and a B A league, all matches are played on Sunday at the same hours (14.30 in winter, 16 in summer) and no one even goes to his head to speak of early or late to avoid disturbing the regularity of the championship. Buying the most expensive in history was to be part of Maradona's Napoli, paid 14 billion lire. And he caused a scandal. Fans who do not go to the stadium heard the parties on "All the soccer minute by minute," and at a time when there are no ear is perfectly normal to see couples that run on Sunday with her and he huffs glue that holds the radio ear in the same manner in which we would hold the phone ... Those who go to the stadium, however, are not few, and often fill the stadium. Tickets are free but are not for everyone. The ultras are menano, much more than now, but there is more than someone who brings children to the stage: at the time the common thought is that "if one does not go to seek it's not going nowhere", and so do fathers with their children (even now believes so, but the case of Stephen Gugliotta is there just to show otherwise ...). In short, football is a sport still "for all". And in those years the Italian league championship is more than ever the most beautiful in the world. Silvio But already the bearer of revolutionary ideas: the early years began to speak of a "European Supercampione club ". E 'on at least ten years.
She talks a lot. Talk of tactics, of triangulations of the area. Nils Liedholm teases him: "He's a great coach, he coached the Edilnord", others as Tacconi (Juventus goalkeeper) laugh heartily. Underestimate it. On the other hand slowly began to emerge of its ability, for example the manipulation of the media, once used very little (nell'itaGlia piduista Democrat and was preferred by the cover-up ... And Silvio Arcore had the merit of bringing a breath of renewal within the P2!), now in common use ... it's a different way of presenting news that is perceived unlike the general public depending on how shows. I remember for example, even though I was a little more than a little boy, the title of the Gazzetta dello Sport that he spoke of the friendly held in Milan from Sterzing summer: a nine-column headline on the front page, those who were usually devoted to team that wins the championship or world champion Italy, which says "Incredible Milan." One course was to read the subtitle of the news and immediately noticed that: "The Rossoneri trimmed six goals to Sterzing - At the end of game fans and players huddle around a party in Berlusconi." Of course I was puzzled: AC Milan had not given six goals for Real Madrid, he had given them at Sterzing, which I think was the level of Voltaroncaglia! But the Journal celebrated what was a friendly in August as a Champions League final, and probably the securities in the following years he went to work for "Free". But anyhow, I could not figure it out once a decade, we have come later ...
The 1986/87 season is his first year as president, Milan and engages the Uefa Cup by a whisker, winning the tiebreaker with the Sampdoria Torino. It was just a play-off-UEFA, but it was too important for that Milan will not stay out of Europe again. In summer Silvio had redesigned the corporate structure carry him in his men was Galliani, younger and possibly more ugly, but above all there next summer ... and Dell'Utri Confalonieri, 1987, complete the revolution in street and Nils Liedholm Arrigo Sacchi, a another visionary who had obtained modest results at Parma. Came the first two Dutch, Van Basten and Gullit, and further that they will become true pillars as Donadoni and Ancellotti ... also comes some "package" as the Argentine Borghi (sent on loan to Como and never redeemed), Stefano arrives Borgonovo now recalls with pleasure his past in professional football ... The beginning is not the most simple, leaving the Rossoneri in the Uefa Cup second round against Espanol Barcelona in the return game at the stadium Sarrià the Guardia Civil office hard fans of Milan and Berlusconi spoke in person to calm the situation down to act as peacemaker among agents and fans: we always put his face, and if necessary also my ass, it only remains to look into any of the things that directly or indirectly relating to it. Should be given about him ... In the championship moves to Fiorentina at San Siro thanks to the magic of a young Roberto Baggio, the purple trigger throwing things in the fields below and Berlusconi launches a revolutionary proposal: AC Milan will not give more tickets to fans the away team, giving up at the same proportion of tickets allocated to the Rossoneri fans when they are away from San Siro! And 'the Berlusconi found to combat the violence, which is the strong opposition of the curve (which is expressed in a banner: "Years of travel thrown for a company infamous!"), It seems incredible, but in twenty years not were able to do anything but repeat an idea rejected in starting in the 80s! The idea of \u200b\u200bSilvio fall, but in Fininvest began a series of commercials against hooliganism (for example, you see a guy who comes into the race to defuse a bomb-shaped balloon ... if at least it happened today would have been warned to invasion of the pitch!). It also rewrote the hymn of Milan, it seems that initially the idea had been entrusted to the boys the den, but then their composition has been set aside ... Not everyone took it well of course ... In March, the Milan is the second six lengths by Napoli of Maradona, who seems to running at their second championship in a row: in the championship final of the Neapolitan's collapse, are joined from AC Milan, then passed in direct conflict on May 1 at the San Paolo. At the last championship in Como celebrates the eleventh Scudetto Rossoneri, the first-Berlusconi era, Milan fans from all over Italy party, after years of breathing extremely difficult. A few years after Maradona will say that the title sold it to the Naples Camorra, who had not the slightest intention of paying all those who had staked everything on the underground betting blue. The fact remains that that Milan was very strong. And in the San Siro over the 1988/89 season record of subscriptions: 75,000 against 72,000 in the San Paolo in Naples! Today if they make 35,000 people in Milan and then, but does not ask anyone how they did it to ruin our football ... Berlusconi is credited, but already in the AC Milan in B there were 60,000 people at the San Siro, and then things take a different perspective ...
year Next you open the borders to the third foreigner, and also comes Rijkaard. The adventure begins in the European Cup, and in the second round comes the dreaded Red Star Belgrade, which draw in San Siro, only to be lead to a zero to twenty minutes remaining in the second leg in Serbian land. Arrives, however, a sudden and unexpected ally: the thick fog, forcing the referee to suspend the game! Is repeated throughout the day, ends one by one and go to the rigors of the Rossoneri. Sigh of relief. In the final of the Milan season turns into a real car: five goals in the semifinals at Real Madrid, four in the final in Barcelona against Steaua Bucharest. This game will be remembered for the impressive number of Milan fans in tow, about one hundred thousand people (!!!), undertaking was possible thanks to the "good offices" of the Uefa Berlusconi: in the Eastern countries it was still in force the "communist bloc" (the Berlin Wall would fall only in October of that year), Steaua fans who had obtained a visa were few (which almost everyone asked for political asylum in Spain) and not to play playing in a stadium half-empty Berlusconi won by UEFA to distribute unsold tickets among the Milan fans. It was a triumph. In three years, AC Milan had reached the very top of the world, sealing vintage triumph won the Intercontinental Cup in Tokyo against Nacional Medellin in December. In the 1989/90 season is now returning the favor to Naples: the Rossoneri had a bad start, then go back, beyond the Napoli of Maradona and Careca and final championship experience a downturn. On April 15, third last in the league, AC Milan draw in Bologna, Napoli draw in Bergamo, but a coin hits the Brazilian midfielder Alemao who would be ready to resume play. Comes in a gallop, the masseur Carmando (for he is also coming in a future National "sporting merit" I assume ...) and ordered to stand-down Alemao, officially the Brazilian can not resume the game: the court applied the regulation of the time by assigning the table to 2-0 in Naples, the two contenders are level on points with two days of the end is looming and a playoff ... But it is the year of the world, you play in Italy and we have to win at all costs: no playoff, no distractions ... So the next Sunday in Verona AC Milan lost for the second time in its history already won a championship! Who was on that day can not fail to have noticed Bentegodi arbitrage blatantly part of Lo Bello: Sacchi expelled from the bench, expelled Rijkaard, Van Basten expelled, expelled after the ninetieth Evani the winning goal gialloblù. The Milan fans are present angry, as if they needed to be further "teased" in a trip to Verona in those years: the Bentegodi, renovated for the World Cup, suffered extensive damage, outside the stadium everything is destroyed gialloblù: cars, shop windows, even signs bright ... A week after celebrating their second championship in Naples, Maradona said that justice is done, Berlusconi has yet to take the path of victimhood and simply says that Milan will stay in Europe and there will be Champion. Three days later, still shocked by the end of the season, the Rossoneri also lose the Italian Cup against Juventus, but it comes in a European Cup against Benfica in Vienna Rijkaard's goal. It is the culmination of a triumphant season for Italian football: Milan come in addition to the triumphs of Sampdoria and Juventus respectively, also in the Cup Winners Cup and Uefa Cup. At that time, before the world Berlusconi is a winner, and is on the cock. Meanwhile
spend the World Cup, which should have been a triumph but instead end with a disappointing third place, and we are in effect in the '90s. The 1990/91 season programs Silvio would have to give AC Milan's third European Cup in a row, but instead comes to a grinding halt in the quarter by dell'Olimpyque Marseille, complete with a "final yellow": in fact, full recovery go out the spotlight the Velodrome, the referee suspended the game, Galliani is furious and leaves from the Milan area. The "Cup of lamp posts, as will be mockingly renamed Inter cousins. Berlusconi still remembers being a gentleman, and waiving all the action, admitting that the trust Galliani has a great bullshit, but the Uefa feels there and over the table to reach a 0-3 score Sting: a year of excluded from European competitions. Never mind: "AC Milan will return to Europe, and will come back through the front door." Galliani meanwhile is punished with a promotion to vice-president: It's time to create a replacement! It 's time to renew, Via Sacchi, Capello arrives, considered by many the "Yes-man" of Silvio. It will demonstrate to everyone to be a winner. His Milan, less spectacular than that of Sacks, is considerably more concrete and triumphs at the championship without even losing a game. Juve look to hold his pace, but at some point gives way to the crash. For much of the season is a constant reproach among the leadership of AC Milan and the Advocate Agnelli, a whole accuse each other of stealing. E 'says that the ox horned donkey, or if you like Toto Riina that the mafia in Happy Manor. The reality is that football has changed and are unlikely to happen again that an outsider could win the flag: for all the 90s will be a "carve up the titles" between Juventus and AC Milan teams such as Parma won everything in Europe in Italy will never arrive at the flag ... In this context, the Rossoneri will win two more titles of Champion of Italy, will lose (from superfavoriti) the Champions League against Marseille dell'Olimpyque black beast to have it taken back to the table by UEFA after Bernard Tapie, considered "The Berlusconi of France" and a close friend of Silvio Arcore, tried to bribe an referee during the semifinals. The real triumph came in 1994, in Athens Crujiff against Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut in the meantime is also changing the political landscape: the scandal Tangentopoli swept away the old political class and leadership, including his friend Craxi, who Berlusconi has done the greatest favor ... Then Silvio must enter politics, if you do not want to go to jail for 500 billion debt of his company.
I am convinced that is exactly what happened: he was not interested in politics Silvio good, at least not directly. He wanted to do "the situation of the Lambs," which had never been in politics but commanding and moving his checkers from the outside, while in the gallery he experienced his Juve, but unfortunately the pressure of events' s forced to move. And March 26, 1994, Forza Italy (the party he founded, with the exposures and Confalonieri Dell'Utri which he joined in Milan, to which was added even after) wins the election. The Milan fans do not appreciate, they fear a sacrifice of Milan on the throne of the nation, but the Rossoneri are still protagonists ... The fact remains that it is an important date March 26, 1994: the derby with calming Vicenza is marred by serious accidents, and beyond 90 boys will be warned after that game. The HAG is dissolved, an entire generation of ultras was swept away and at the end of the season he moved to Padua dall'Appiani all'Euganeo. All this the day that Berlusconi was elected first President of the Council: Obviously, it's a coincidence, but it is a sign of changing times, inexorably ...
The political career of Silvio from Arcore is well known, as is known his troubles with the law and his cry to "communist plot". Perhaps it is clear that its role is not political, but the entrepreneur. The fact remains that it has a certain charisma and is a very strong figure, a leader: will eventually affect the world of Italian politics in an inexorable. Because almost no one says it, but when he's no "right" and "left" in parliament, but only "Berlusconi" and "antiberlusconiani. Sure, you keep talking about fascism and communism for the morons who believe the words of these clowns, but the truth is that there are right people (Travaglio) that against Berlusconi, and people, "former communist" (Bondi? Not only that, even Liguori, Ferrara ...) that is among his most trusted henchmen ... And unfortunately, the antiberlusconiani are not what they see in Silvio damage to the country, but they are envious of his success, those who want to be like him and did not make the cut. Since 1994 have failed to make a serious law on conflict of interest, but Berlusconi managed to trap only for partying with Ruby: of all the other stories for which is under investigation (for example, crimes of criminal association or the bombings of 1993 in Rome and Florence) magically does not mention anyone ... It's not that we really are all in the middle?
The fact remains that the commitment to football Berlusconi has drastically decreased, and the Milan fans have the same issue (but then renege on the challenges) since the Milan Milan is no longer the star of the '90s. Soon collapse, on the other hand is inevitable, and I fear he will fall even Milan. But perhaps this is the least: you've wondered what happened to Italy will fall when the only one in the likes and dislikes of the people can to truly unite the various areas of the country?
Friday, February 18, 2011
How Much Will A Single Person With 3
A jersey autographed by the Prime Minister and patron, to celebrate his 25 years at the helm of AC Milan. Sunday afternoon in Verona, in the match against Chievo, the Rossoneri will wear a special uniform to commemorate the marriage that has lasted a quarter century, between the Via Turati club and Silvio Berlusconi. A love affair began his February 20, 1986. As anticipated by the newspaper La Repubblica, the boys will wear the traditional uniform of Allegri enhanced by Berlusconi's signature just below the word celebration, red thread, '20 February 1986-20 February 2011 ', located between the mark the sponsor and the badge of the society.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Generic Flucloxacillin
am not surprised and I'm not angry, 1h after AC Milan - Spurs 0-1.
I think this game has highlighted our obvious limitations. And before we realize it, the better.
1) the level of the Italian
The size of the Serie A is not 5-6 years ago. The infamous ranking is clear and it is perhaps too generous.
Who is loaded with good intentions did so because he has forgotten the Pool Elimination of disturbing Milan: 2 wins, suffered to some extent, against ciabattari dell'Auxerre, 2 draws (a''close,''one against Ajax, and the other''rained from the sky,''one against Real) and 2 losses (net sacrosanct and, against Real Madrid and Ajax).
short, against our peer''or''we almost got raped honest.
Who is loaded with good intentions has little catalyst results in Serie A where we have a Milan shadowed by fears that the provincial and LeoMutanda. This does not deny that this is an excellent result.
2) The level of the Rose
Our limitations are masked by a department offensive absolute level and''excuse''the numerous absences. Excuse may be there but with the suitable measures. Because they want a''Top Club''should have a decent bench (and Thiago Silva in midfield, although he is careful), either because it reveals who the''bad''and team performance is the one who is in Rosa by decades. It may be there, "the boat" taken with Merkel and Strasser. It can not be there without the agony of agony from Seedorf.
speaking of defense, must be reported three power good / excellent: Thiago Silva (26 years), Nesta (35 years), Yepes (35 years). Behind them there is a vacuum, and this should make us think someone on the upper floors as that 2 / 3 of defense is''central''by Milan at the end of a long career. Then cite the "backs" (Antonini, 29, in downward) and Abate (adapted to a midfield defender) who, despite great determination and dedication that often took him to be among the best in the department, remains a player with limits evident. Janku, Zambrotta Bonera and not even deserve mention. Maybe Bonera: 5 ° as central, though.
Ah, the citation format for Ibrahimovic "Casper" as soon as the games get a little '"serious" is a must: 22 appearances over the first knockout round, scoring 3. Average of 0.13: that of a defender.
3) The limits of the coach
's young. In the Champions League experience counts a lot more than talent, unless you do not call Mourinho / Guardiola and train an army.
Allegri smacks of inexperience, and sometimes dementia. Offer 45 'non-game because the opponent Seedorf scores a goal from close range that at times it dragged out (against Parma), are the sign of little clarity.
We reached the point where the accident Abbiati no one is worried about the''change''thrown more than two does not make, length and quality of the bench itself apart.
has to grow and, perhaps, the main problem is not him.
Soundblaster Extigy Vista Drivers
From "ilSussidiario.net"
For her, then it is a special game, because in London there is training his son Charles
... I am very pleased that Charles is part of the rose of Tottenham. E 'already a great thing that after the terrible motorcycle accident has been able to resume playing. Of course it will be on the bench tonight, but it is already a success that it is back on the court.
An 'incredible emotion ... I
I played in the Uefa Cup semi-final of the 1971 season against the Spurs just -72. I never imagined seeing my son in San Siro, in a big European team, to challenge the team he grew up.
tiferà Who?
My heart is split in half. AC Milan is part of my sporting life and the Rossoneri won trophies that really matter, but I can not even think to the career of Charles. I'll be happy anyway. I just want to enjoy these two games. And I'll be at San Siro, in London ...
A curiosity: what Milan player of his time could also play in football today?
Gianni Rivera was a true champion, a player which would have certainly been able to adapt to today's football having his immense class.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Where To Sell My Pearls
Eavesdropping between Sara Tommasi (showgirl, puttanone Ronaldinho and former) and Silvio Berlusconi (showman, puttanone and President of the Council).
And threats that appear fanatical type "immediately resume Ron (Ronaldinho ed) in your team m. .. Obama or I'll exclude from the Department of the world "or " it takes a good reputation for grooming! You also do banquets Dinho should return '
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What Is Neutropenia In Canines
In the style of the worst "Panolada" neroazzurra, of course, the Order (previously we had reported yesterday: Franco Order who spoke of''Conspiracy of the Left ' ') arrived this morning to all of the journalists' Planet Milan:
MilanNews.it is (no surprise) :
Milan thinks the plot
Milan does not say but I think. There is a wind unfavorable arbitration has revealed that the Rossoneri in the last three league games. The arbitrage Tagliavento Catania has not gone down to the company and Galliani has tried a lot to hide his bad mood. Too much tax the expulsion of Van Bommel especially when compared to the treatment of Spolli and Ledesma in the same game. Kozak against Lazio deserved the expulsion after sending two players to the hospital and here Galliani thought it was more than explicit. For the series does not come in threes against Genoa at the foul whistled Ibrahimovic in the run-up in midfield player did not like in Via Turati irrespective of Sweden's well-deserved yellow card for dissent. In short, the braking of the Rossoneri can not in any way be attributed to arbitrage that is clear but the attitude of the referees to the AC Milan Galliani not particularly like thinking that 3 clues usually do a test ...
In all honesty, I think the AC Milan SpA should not sit silent and implement these campaigns that are only embarrass Milani. Raise the winds''conspiracy''is ridiculous but the policy we know well, something is recycled for several years by people and contexts that (unfortunately) are not so far away from Milan.
The company plans to Cassano that after a very good impact, it seems a worthy replacement for Ronaldinho.
The company plans to mediate in the affairs of that locker room involve, above all, Pato and Ibrahimovic.
The company who is trying to think of the''other side''Remuntada, and that will inspire even more grim in the (albeit few in recent weeks, it should be acknowledged) players.
The company plans to make the football, which to ask legitimate questions and doubts are already sufficient for us. Outputs of the kind they only hurt the sport and make the wrong move''from'', irrespective of the validity of those conclusions.
And do not you come and say ''the Company has not expressed an official position, are all items " : we know which line to take the" fan-journalists " dealing with the Devil.
ML1899 - AaB
Monday, February 7, 2011
Largest Average Breast Size By Country
Franco launches Order:
"There are political reasons for which extracalcistici and AC Milan will not win the Scudetto. The referees hear a particular wind and are adapting."
(From "Blue Italy, Antenna 3, 02/07/2011) - ML1899
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Can I Take Tylenol And Pepto Together?
few days ago:
During the press conference of Emanuelson and Van Bommel, the vice president of AC Milan did it again the intention of the unused red and black leadership, making clear the scenario that leads to the interest of the Via Turati club of the young English defender: "The negotiations are focused on a quarterback who has not played in the Italian league, they do not reveal the nationality, but must be available for the Champions League. If you do not find an outside, then we can use in that role Emanuelson "
Milan and Inter have submitted the list of players who can play the knockout stages of the Champions League. Among the Rossoneri's only one return, granted, compared to the pink early-season: Legrottaglie in, Ronaldinho out. He was ruled out, therefore, also Didac Vilà, which was preferred Zambrotta despite the physical problems.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
U Haul Cargo Van Size
The book entitled "An Ardent Patron: Cardinal Camillo Massimo Antiquarian and His Circle and Artistic Paul Holberton publishing, London, 2010
Who first visit Roccasecca Volscian, can see that compared to other neighboring countries, the architectural and artistic heritage reaches high levels of beauty and splendor. Most of these cultural goods, as we shall see, bear the "signature" of a powerful man religious, political and patron, who lived in the second half of the seventeenth century, Carlo Camillo Massimo II.
He loved painting, so that take private lessons from Poussin, a painter of great reputation in Europe. He was a skilled amateur painter, so much to be part of the Gallery of Giustiniana, a catalog of the archaeological collection of Vincenzo Giustiniani .
was a patron of artists such as Poussin , Lorrain, Velasquez, Carlo Maratta.
The future Cardinal stayed for six years in Roccasecca Volscian.
builds and decorates the new Palazzo Massimo, alongside the medieval castle. In the private chapel fresco ago
In 1659, on the hill overlooking the town, ago to erect and decorate with frescoes the chapel of St. Raphael.
Two years later, at the foot of the mountain, in local casino, he built the shrine of Our Lady of Peace, in which one can admire the fresco depicting
The authors of the monuments and paintings, are still not known, but certainly part of that group of famous artists who acted in Rome in the mid-seventeenth century.
The work of Charles Camillo Massimo II is not well known, but it certainly has helped write one of the most beautiful pages of art history and Roman collections of the seventeenth century.
The book focuses primarily on the Church of Santa Maria della Pace, a central plan in place Casini, and San Raffaele on the hill overlooking the town of the same name.
Very interesting is the study of St. Raphael's frescoes dating back to 1660/70, some copies of the pictures are even at the Uffizi in Florence, world famous.
know how that works featured in Roccasecca Volscian are known and appreciated in Australia is a credit to our small country, added the Mayor and Alderman Joseph Balz Papi.
The Mayor and the entire City Council would like to thank Prof.
Wishing An Ex Happy Birthday
week I read from the exaltation of Minoraiolismo. The lethal duo "Galliani-Raiola. Big business that Raiola, by attorney or consultant, brought to Milan.
Watch today only means to reason by MIDDLE FAN. What''BERLUSCONI ROUTE FROM MILAN! EXHIBITION Via Turati, "and then a loan obligation to ransom him back to the nest, good good.
And, looking at just today, it is clear that Raiola is contributing in a decisive way to force it back on the team. And here the average fan , probably, or elect to Raiola old heart or builds on the results today.
I, personally, I also think the later. Prosecutors are one of the evils of football, however, by custom, you have to deal with. It 's the bind to one of these subjects should not be absolutely fine. Even this address a CEO on its customers and is building a "heritage" slowly within a single team.
I tell you only that you will remember the laughs when he gains on disposals. When will that''premium''from 1.2 million a year (until 2014) the result of the transfer Ibrahimovic.
And, personally, Raiola is the TOP TOP MANAGER of a class that I hate, and I thank him with the pipe. This is NOT 'my football.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Negative Test Day Before Af

Leonardo is the new coach. It 's almost strange to write it, say it makes sense. Leonardo, the golden boy from dall'eloquio smile and gentle, the beneficent Creator of AC Milan Foundation, "the philosopher" loaned to AC Milan and football coach has become a doc. Unbelievable but true.
As was expected, such a choice by Moratti could only trigger the reactions of fans and insiders who basically have debated these days around a single focal point: Leonardo is or is not a traitor?
The problem I found was that in fact the discussion has not even begun. All the sad Italian sports journalism was on the side of the Brazilian exhibiting arrogance and snobbery with the stereotype of the abused "there are more flags in football." A trivial argument so that would not deserve even to be commented upon but that represents the unique point of view on this story. Those who dare to stand against this simplistic notion of the matter are poorly accused of extremism or be carriers of mentality ultras. At best, the charge is more polite than they had been left tied to a football poetry that no longer exists.
Yet memory is still fresh in the treatment of characters such as Kaka, Ronaldo or Shevchenko. The last two traitors arguably for different reasons but if Ricky had expired and then directly into the comic, with Bosco Leite accused even of world hunger and Kaka described as a greedy mercenary to Tony Montana. Too bad that he had neglected a small detail: he was to give Milan the player for budgetary needs. This was not enough for journalists excited by the sacred fire of ethics complaint to tone down the rhetoric and describe the story for what it really was (an assignment from the Bureau decided to invest each year in the stove Milan). So faced with a similar moral integrity and rigidity of thought was reasonable to expect fiery comments in respect of a person who had spent 13 years in a company and then go directly across the canal. Instead they wasted words in support of the Brazilian and disparaging word against those who used the term "treason." "It 's the modern game, not There are more flags. Leonardo made a career choice "is the motif of Leiv these days by football commentators. The fury of ethics that had befallen Kaka has apparently been forgotten in a drawer at home abandoned or perhaps that of Kaka was not yet the modern game where "there are no more flags."
course is that it is difficult if not impossible, to accept arguments so fragile without batting an eyelid. So I want to take advantage of the opportunity kindly given me by this blog to speak my mind on the sensitive issue.
from the history. After the first four years as a player and an emotional farewell after Rossoneri Milan-Brescia (in which he played as captain), Leo returned to Brazil to finish his career and retired at the end of the 2001/2002 season. Join the farewell party of Boban and gives numbers and goals demonstrating a good shape. Berlusconi was impressed and asked to summarize Galliani. Or almost unique case of retired player who receives a contract from a great team. Leo agrees and joins the Milan's Ancelotti. Play a little but managed to score twice in the Italian Cup. In April retired and began working alongside Galliani, who realizes at his request a charitable organization under the name "Milan Foundation." Leo becomes the principal responsibility and creates a great job. In the meantime, continues to work with Galliani and the years can bring to society three very talented Brazilians: Kaka, Pato and Thiago Silva.
in 2009 on strong pressure becomes Leonardo Galliani Milan coach in a difficult situation with Kaka and Real succumbed to almost total absence of a recruitment drive. Despite the difficulties of the Rose, Leo does a good job and even manages to fight for the Scudetto until almost the end. Berlusconi, locked in the ivory tower of his ignorance of football and his legendary arrogance, does not see the miracle and complains of the game, perhaps forgetting the poor quality of the rose. Leonardo, rightly, does not like and respond in kind to the president calling himself "incompatible" with him. To Therefore, at year end resigned to leave Milan.
The fans are all on his side. During the last game of the season, Milan-Juventus, Leonardo received applause from the audience and choirs, the embrace of his players after each goal, and even made the final embrace of Adriano Galliani. The message is loud and clear: the team, officials and fans are on the side of Leonardo and against Berlusconi.
And now comes the news that you expect will train Leonardo Inter. A folly, foolish and bad taste that can not erase the good things done in the 13 years of experience Milani. The feeling of being taken for a ride by Leonardo is very strong. Just he had claimed to have "too much to train AC Milan Rome only two months ago. How can Leonardo justified in front of those that Milan fans throughout the summer have in defending against fellow supporters or supporters of other teams who attack him for daring to challenge Berlusconi? How can feel "free" in front of millions of Milan fans who loved him as a player even when he was ever in the infirmary and it has been estimated as a coach despite the difficulties and even humiliating defeats (see Derby)? How can you not feel shame at the thought of having betrayed the confidence of his players who had embraced and carried in triumph to the end of the last game or Galliani which is always exposed in the first person to defend him and support him? Also with them was incompatible? They too are daffodils? We too are the fans?
Leonardo reminds me of her husband to punish his wife cheating on him decided to emasculate. Does not understand that you are actually autopunendo and that Berlusconi will draw from each other only, and only benefits. In May the situation was different. There was the treble of the Inter, AC Milan who toiled in the league and did not spend on the market. The fans had no doubt about who to choose between him and Berlusconi. But now Milan is the first in the standings, continued to score hits the market, while Leonardo is the coach of Inter Milan with a full belly and in disarray. Berlusconi will unleash his canon "I told you" and its journalists spend prone rivers of ink to tell supporters that "Berlusconi had sensed that something was wrong with that guy too nice to be true." A mountain of lies that Leonardo was allowed to write with his childhood and profoundly stupid decision. If he wanted to hit Berlusconi has sensationally missed. At a time of political and judicial crisis, the rider is certainly not interested in football affairs, and if there is a man who does not feel the rivalry with the other half of Milan's really him, Inter overt. Also if you were to come to the end of the year in the league Milanello Berlusconi would be just to enjoy and not vice versa. Inter Leonardo
experience has little or nothing to gain. Not only from an emotional point of view because of the Nerazzurri fans will be just one of many but also the technical aspect. Inter are at the end of a cycle and if Benitez has given up the boat that was sinking was a reason to have it. The same could be said of Mourinho who fled to Madrid well aware of the impossibility of repeating itself. Moreover, the Nerazzurri are one of the oldest teams in the league and they begin to have a short bench. Biabiany and Coutinho are too young to bear the burden of being the owners and people such as Lucio, Maicon Milito and gives the idea that he had been sitting on so many trophies. Moratti also no longer seems willing to invest in the market as it once. In this painting Leonardo has only to lose, considering that about him hovers the ghost of Mourinho, who according to the usual well-informed could return in June on the Inter bench. Leonardo
course could then become manager and get back to doing what belongs to him but the Nerazzurri management is overburdened and will not be easy and painless to find the right space for the Brazilian. The recent case of Oriali explains how certain issues in Inter's home can become very tricky.
Then you return to your starting point. Why go to Inter? It seems clear that the main reason lies in the spirit of revenge against Berlusconi. The money I do not think they affected that much because the alternatives in this sense would not be missed and if you really were a venal man would wait for the waiver of the Leonardo and Milan would not have gone waiving its fee contract. Instead, the desire to show that the prime minister was wrong and the desire to make him a rude prevailed over common sense and rationality as well as personal ethics. In fact Leonardo forget that Milan was the first high-level club to give him the chance to play at the top and has always been to continue to employ Milan when it had already retired. AC Milan has created tailor-made for him Fondazione Milan, AC Milan has elected executive coach and finally, while not even the license. Supporters have argued as if it were an absolute phenomenon as a player (when it was not at all) and have it treated as a flag to each his farewell Maldini (both as a player and coach). Leonardo can not be a traitor if you have forgotten all these expressions of esteem and affection for sacrifice on the altar of mere personal revenge. Strange that he and Berlusconi has demonized like no other coach has ever dared Rossoneri ended up grant him the highest compliment you could imagine: he identified with Milan. Evidently Leonardo Berlusconi and AC Milan are the same thing and therefore move to Inter must have seemed the best choice to respond to his critics and his misconduct.
The truth is that Milan is certainly not Berlusconi and Milan's spirit is not measured by the presidential moods and ideas. Milan is also composed of players, officials and fans who think differently from the president and that have always shown confidence and unconditional love. Leonardo probably ignore it or if they have not consciously think of them injured, with its pseudo professional choice. One wonders where Leonardo had lived in the last 13 years not to have understood the importance of the rivalry town between Milan and Inter. If it is not hypocrisy and Paraculo rite, then Leonardo is less intelligent than they appear in the state had never seen as a rival Inter. But I can not believe it, and therefore I am inclined to think that Leonardo knew well what it meant to become a coach. Inwardly brooding resentment and revenge in June that he hopes to be able to accuse his former employer. If the price is losing the love and friendship of the fans of AC Milan Galliani, Leonardo is willing to do so. Probably for him to say that Berlusconi was wrong that is more than beautiful and intense 13-year history.
Leonardo could have been go to England and build a career there as a coach-manager who was viewed with affection and participation from all Milan fans. He could become the ambassador for the World Cup of 2014 to be held in Brazil and would have helped to develop the land he loves so much. He could also go to Rome and build a new credibility in the shadow of the Coliseum and Milan fans would have understood and supported. But going to Inter is a shortcut that is disrespectful to those who with him has always behaved well and that will backfire. And when it is abandoned by Inter, can no longer count on the support of Galliani, the availability of Milan company and the passion of supporters Milani. It will be a man just outside Milan will be judged solely on the basis of poor results as a coach and a playing career that has made more shadows lights. Is defined as a free man but he does not realize that it is the slave of his personal claims laughable.
Unfortunately the reality is hard to tell, especially when it is very noble and edifying. At Christmas time it is better to decorate the news and make them more beautiful than actually are. It 'better to give readers and viewers a watered down version to not offend their sensibilities. Or their interests, football or not. It depends on your point of view. So the only way to explain the ridiculous stance of the Italian sports journalists, ready to rise to only heard the word "treason." The fans are not going well. Too passionate, too emotionally involved, too idealistic. To read some comments you would think the matter at issue is mechanical engineering and not soccer. If indeed we were to apply to football rationality feared by journalists and the like, we declassified our beloved sport to the sad description of eleven men in their underwear chasing a ball. The vision of girlfriends, sisters and mothers to be repeated at least fifty years boyfriends, brothers and Italian children. But football
is far from a rational matter (fortunately) and feeds the passion of the fans and all-priori. The newspapers and sports broadcasts that demonize the football fan, guilty of loving his team to the point where it could not accept the betrayal of the transition to the hated rivals, do not understand that without the rivalry Milan-Inter and without the irrational love of the fans to the sport does not even exist. Logic would dictate that one should be devoted to more constructive interest in cultural terms. Yet if we go to the bar when I browse the Journal ever before other newspapers is because we like football because of its ability to excite. You will say that they are staggering banality and I agree with you. The problem is that a simple truth like this is incomprehensible to those who should properly be delegated to describe this world. If you can not even Leonardo define traitor to defend the detachment and the rationality that seem out of place in football, then you better stop following the sport. Because to be rational we should ask why tifiamo a team and if we benefit from the victory of our favorite club. Instead, journalists accept and approve the figure of the fan, which allows them to generate significant revenues, but condemn the obvious contradictions and natural sentimental excesses. It does not mean tolerating and then justify the violence of the ultras but not rail against those who still hope to be able to attach samples to wear the shirt they love. Pier Paolo Pasolini
claimed that football was the last performance in Italy remains sacred by virtue of having deeply understood the dogmatic and quasi-religious nature of the passionate fan. These journalists prefer the politically correct attacking those passions which they themselves help to create fiery articles against the poor current player with fake scoops and acts only to fuel the tension before a big game.
the face of them, and all right-thinking and false moralists of football, of all those who are exploiting the very Rossoneri's passion for political attacks, the heart was flowing clear and clear a single cry: Leonardo fuck!