Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Enlarged Uterus Causes

500 per day

The condition of children in poor countries to remind rarely. At most, is evoked in an abstract way to convince a child to finish what he has in the pot (or, now, to make a parody of this situation). Yet there continue to die. This is ANSA news :
Kenya: 500 children die daily
UNICEF-National Study: for reasons that could prevent
(ANSA) - NAIROBI, Oct. 27 - Every day in Kenya are dying on average 473 children under 5 years and 5 per hour for infants causes that could have been preventable. These are some of the data that emerge from a study conducted by UNICEF (the UN agency for the protection of children) and the Kenyan government referred to 'the news today with raised print of the country. More 'in general according to the study every 30 babies born in Kenya, one dies before 28 days, one every 12 before the first birthday, and a 9 before each of 5 years.


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