Death machines, with our money and control
Source: National Network Disarmiamoli!
than 14 billion € for the F-35 fighter and lack of money for earthquake victims
Manlio Dinucci
For Abruzzo earthquake victims, the government has made available 100 million euro, but there will want to many more: only for the needs of the Ministry of the Interior, you will find 130 million over the next six months. And, if it really wants to rebuild, it will take far greater appropriations. Where to find these funds in a crisis like the present, without thereby further cut social spending (schools, health, etc..)? The answer is simpler than it looks: it would be enough to block the huge budget that is going to be hunting for the purchase of U.S. F-35 Lightning II (Joint Strike Fighter) for Lockheed Martin.
The defense committee of the room has already expressed their support to the acquisition of hunting and the Senate will do so by April 16. In the 2009 budget of the Ministry of Defence has already earmarked 47 million euro for the F-35. It 's just a bit earlier: to participate in the program, Italy has pledged over one billion euro. But they are still loose change in front of the expense that the parliament is to approve: € 12.9 billion for the purchase of 131 fighters, 605 million more for assembly and maintenance facilities. In total, 14.5 billion euro. Will be paid in installments of about one billion per year between 2009 and 2026. But, as with all weapons systems, the fighter is going to cost more than expected and, once produced, will be further upgraded. E 'therefore certain that the total outlay (public money) will be much greater than anticipated. It should also be noted that the Air Force is buying 121 Eurofighter Typhoon, whose cost exceeds 8 billion euro.
Italy's participation in the Joint Strike Fighter program, dubbed F-35 Lightning (lightning), is a perfect example of political bipartisan. The first MoU was signed at the Pentagon in 1998, D'Alema government, the second in 2002 by the Berlusconi government, the third, in 2007, the Prodi government. And in 2009 a new government led by Berlusconi to approve the purchase of the 131 hunting, to be fair, had already been decided by the Prodi government in 2006 (see the poster, 25/10/2006). Is unclear why, when the government announced the purchase of 131 F-35, the 'opposition' (PD and IDV) did not oppose.
Italy participates in the F-35 as a partner second level, which means that contributes to the development and construction of hunting. We have undertaken more than 20 industries, namely those of the majority of the military, including Alenia Aeronautica, Galileo Avionica, Selex Communications, Finmeccanica and Otomelara Datamat and other non-Finmeccanica, such as Air and Piaggio. In Alenia in Campania and Puglia, and then in the Piedmont will be produced over 1,200 F-35 wings. At the airbase Cameri (Novara) will be made an assembly line and testing of the hunt for European countries, which will be transformed into a center of maintenance, overhaul, repair and modification. The assembly will come out probably the 25 Italian fighters purchased from Israel, where it can add 50 others. The government presents it as a big deal for Italy, however, says that while billions of contracts for the F-35 coming into the coffers of private companies, billions for the purchase of the fighters come from public coffers. This activity, according to the government, will create 600 jobs immediately and a 'drive for employment "which could result in 10 thousand jobs. A nice perspective to aim to increase employment, one of the most deadly weapon systems.
The F-35 is a fifth-generation fighter, produced in three variants: a takeoff / landing conventional for the carriers, and short takeoff / vertical landing. Italy I will buy 69 of the first variant of the third and 62, which would also be used for the aircraft carrier Cavour. The hunt for short takeoff / vertical landing, said Lockheed, are the most suitable "to be deployed closer to the coast or to the front, shortening the distance and time to hit the target." With stealth, the F-35 Lightning "as a lightning strike the enemy with destructive force and unexpectedly." A plane, therefore, for wars of aggression, to cause destruction worse than the earthquake of Abruzzo. But for the victims there will be no state funeral or cameras to show them.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Cruising Spots Richmond
democratic systems shall otherwise, it must not only what the people do but also what he thinks. The State is not able to guarantee obedience by force, and the thought can lead to action, so the threat to be eradicated at source. It is therefore necessary to create a framework that establishes a thought acceptable, enclosed within the principles of religion.
Noam Chomsky, "The manufacture of consent"
democratic systems shall otherwise, it must not only what the people do but also what he thinks. The State is not able to guarantee obedience by force, and the thought can lead to action, so the threat to be eradicated at source. It is therefore necessary to create a framework that establishes a thought acceptable, enclosed within the principles of religion.
Noam Chomsky, "The manufacture of consent"
Sunday, April 5, 2009
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Schizophrenia media
In an article that appeared this morning on Republic online, covering the trial for the murder of Meredith Kircher, reads:
Then, the article is interesting in other respects, as relates to medico-legal experts who express conclusions based not on evidence but on personal opinion. With the benefit of the doubt should always be given to those who end up in the newspapers, there that's creepy. But how certain mechanisms work of justice, I had already spoken . Light-years, compared to all'asetticità Grissom.
In an article that appeared this morning on Republic online, covering the trial for the murder of Meredith Kircher, reads:
Later, however, [Rudy Guede, a the accused] wrote to his legal explain the reasons for his silence. Letter that ended on time for fueling the disgusting television market diaries and memoirs that have thus far brought only more trouble to their authors.Noble words, indeed. Too bad that the same journalist, immediately below the link to the article, the famous letter Guede of her lawyers. The market will also be ashamed, but Republic does not hold some back.
Then, the article is interesting in other respects, as relates to medico-legal experts who express conclusions based not on evidence but on personal opinion. With the benefit of the doubt should always be given to those who end up in the newspapers, there that's creepy. But how certain mechanisms work of justice, I had already spoken . Light-years, compared to all'asetticità Grissom.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Catchy Bachelor Party Invitation
Friday, March 13, 2009
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Coral goodbye
were planning to go see a coral reef? Well, hurry up, because within a few years may not only remains that yellowed documentaries. This gives the ANSA news , but it takes an article published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters qualified. The cause? Global warming and ocean acidification, both due to carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by humans through combustion processes:
were planning to go see a coral reef? Well, hurry up, because within a few years may not only remains that yellowed documentaries. This gives the ANSA news , but it takes an article published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters qualified. The cause? Global warming and ocean acidification, both due to carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by humans through combustion processes:
Risk disappearance coral barriers
According to one study, in 20 years could be a memory
(ANSA) - ROMA, 12 MAR - Coral reefs around the world are destined to disappear within twenty years. The blame, according to a study published in Geophysical Research Letters, high levels of carbon dioxide. The acidification of the oceans along with the increase of sea temperatures are the main causes. 'Every second they are released into the atmosphere than 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide, 300 of which end up in the oceans'.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Name Of Parts Of A Ship
Racism against Romanians
to pretend Romanians today are big risks, as discovered by the journalist Calabresi. To be, obviously, even more. And certainly, even the newspapers are put of them, why we have always said, "Romanian", with the 'u', and now we read everywhere, "Romanians", with the 'o'? Is there a hidden intent not so much to create confusion among the citizens of Romania and the Roma ethnics? An attempt to clear identity and culture, putting all in the same pot, in which stirring at will? I hope not, it's just carelessness and ignorance.
to pretend Romanians today are big risks, as discovered by the journalist Calabresi. To be, obviously, even more. And certainly, even the newspapers are put of them, why we have always said, "Romanian", with the 'u', and now we read everywhere, "Romanians", with the 'o'? Is there a hidden intent not so much to create confusion among the citizens of Romania and the Roma ethnics? An attempt to clear identity and culture, putting all in the same pot, in which stirring at will? I hope not, it's just carelessness and ignorance.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
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Mrs. P., fervent spectator of a newscast of the worst, she says, "and then this Englaro, is now also under investigation because he did take pictures of his daughter and then sold them."
not matter that, as it did Galatea wisely noted, what has distinguished this man in his battle because her daughter could have peace it was the great dignity, which meant that the only photos that have circulated Eluana are those that portrayed the young and smiling, and never those of the its vegetative state, which also would be of great help to his cause. The mystification which still boasts the epithet of information does not grant reprieve. I saw a piece last night, of that newscast. And yet there has been talk of that event, so suggestive, mafia, ventilating without saying that in reality has been a murder. I have the guts cakes, before such squalor, with such a lack of humanity, that conductor rouged that blesses its media power, its ability to throw stones and hide your hand behind the freedom of the press. And the thought that millions of people follow him hypnotized and share those values, so slippery that to arise, that emptiness within.
I wonder if one day we will have the strength to open the windows, all together, and throw millions of televisions in the streets. All in one evening, to express the intellectual liberation from the chains that were posed to our brains, which prevent us from seeing more than the grin of the conductor on duty.
Mrs. P., fervent spectator of a newscast of the worst, she says, "and then this Englaro, is now also under investigation because he did take pictures of his daughter and then sold them."
not matter that, as it did Galatea wisely noted, what has distinguished this man in his battle because her daughter could have peace it was the great dignity, which meant that the only photos that have circulated Eluana are those that portrayed the young and smiling, and never those of the its vegetative state, which also would be of great help to his cause. The mystification which still boasts the epithet of information does not grant reprieve. I saw a piece last night, of that newscast. And yet there has been talk of that event, so suggestive, mafia, ventilating without saying that in reality has been a murder. I have the guts cakes, before such squalor, with such a lack of humanity, that conductor rouged that blesses its media power, its ability to throw stones and hide your hand behind the freedom of the press. And the thought that millions of people follow him hypnotized and share those values, so slippery that to arise, that emptiness within.
I wonder if one day we will have the strength to open the windows, all together, and throw millions of televisions in the streets. All in one evening, to express the intellectual liberation from the chains that were posed to our brains, which prevent us from seeing more than the grin of the conductor on duty.
Friday, February 20, 2009
What Type Of Doctor Would You See For Bursitis?
die of cholera in 2009. It happens, and a lot too. In Zimbabwe, for example. From ' ANSA :
die of cholera in 2009. It happens, and a lot too. In Zimbabwe, for example. From ' ANSA :
Zimbabwe: cholera, nearly 4 thousand dead
rises to over 80 thousand of infection
fall (AP) - GENEVA, Feb. 20 - It seems unstoppable epidemic cholera in Zimbabwe: 3759 deaths found, while rose to 80,250 cases of infection. According to figures released by the World Health 'Organization (WHO), the mortality rate' of the epidemic broke out in August and 'high, at 4.7%. Cholera 'a curable disease, but in Zimbabwe the health system and' collapse and the spread of disease and 'favored by the decrepitude of the sewer and water infrastructure.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ff Message On Sunbeam
A man, alone, away from the homeland, no family, no job, lying in a hospital bed devastated by terrible burns, because a group of thugs who set fire while sleeping on a bench.
At the same time, a minister of this unfortunate republic says: "To combat illegal immigration must not be do-gooders but evil."
of evil seems to me that, in turn, there is already enough. And as a surprise, when the political message is so degraded that ministers inciting malice, then there are those who burn people alive?
I would like to propose an alternative message: "Do not be do-gooders. We must be good."
A man, alone, away from the homeland, no family, no job, lying in a hospital bed devastated by terrible burns, because a group of thugs who set fire while sleeping on a bench.
At the same time, a minister of this unfortunate republic says: "To combat illegal immigration must not be do-gooders but evil."
of evil seems to me that, in turn, there is already enough. And as a surprise, when the political message is so degraded that ministers inciting malice, then there are those who burn people alive?
I would like to propose an alternative message: "Do not be do-gooders. We must be good."
Velveeta Recipe Commercials
According to this article Republic, China is preparing to deal with riots and popular uprisings triggered by the economic crisis and unemployment that results. In China, like everything else, assumes epic proportions, The article talks about 27 million workers from rural areas have moved to industrialized areas, and who now, become unemployed, they are forced to turn back.
But here too, more discreetly, preparations are made, especially after the experience of urban warfare in Greece last December. This illustrates very well this post Crisis. Muted, the 'army is deployed in the streets , using recent events as an excuse for crime. It is rumored that the prefectures are asking local health authorities to review and update contingency plans for the massive influx of injured structures.
course, it is possible (and desirable) that nothing happens. But the financial crisis is still there, looming over our heads. And if one morning the ATMs would stop and give money bank branches remain closed, nobody knows what might happen.
According to this article Republic, China is preparing to deal with riots and popular uprisings triggered by the economic crisis and unemployment that results. In China, like everything else, assumes epic proportions, The article talks about 27 million workers from rural areas have moved to industrialized areas, and who now, become unemployed, they are forced to turn back.
But here too, more discreetly, preparations are made, especially after the experience of urban warfare in Greece last December. This illustrates very well this post Crisis. Muted, the 'army is deployed in the streets , using recent events as an excuse for crime. It is rumored that the prefectures are asking local health authorities to review and update contingency plans for the massive influx of injured structures.
course, it is possible (and desirable) that nothing happens. But the financial crisis is still there, looming over our heads. And if one morning the ATMs would stop and give money bank branches remain closed, nobody knows what might happen.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
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When the two sides that are holding the parliament they will agree to maintain
in its place a six-under-secretary accused of being an unrepentant supporter of the clan of the Camorra Casale, so effectively described by Roberto Saviano in "Gomorrah," behold, when this happens, one wonders what is left of our democracy, and what room there might be today in this country for men nell'affarismo honest and who do not believe in the power at any cost.
Ah, Claudio Fava second the salvation of the suspected supporter Camorra has been "paid" with the granting of an electoral law with the barrier to 4% for the European law yet another scam by the European Parliament to eliminate those few who try not to be suffocated by the molasses veltrusconiana.
When the two sides that are holding the parliament they will agree to maintain

Ah, Claudio Fava second the salvation of the suspected supporter Camorra has been "paid" with the granting of an electoral law with the barrier to 4% for the European law yet another scam by the European Parliament to eliminate those few who try not to be suffocated by the molasses veltrusconiana.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Grand Touring All Season
on you can go in person and then send the registered letter. You hurry, I hope it arrives soon, then they must also send you the answer. You in a hurry. You stick to the internet, there is this wonderful service post, that since we live in the twenty-first century is not called "follow the P "but is called" Input Voltage ", but still, there, and after you understood that the code must be entered without the hyphen (but then why the fuck the package is written with a hyphen?) you can see the status of your recommended . At first, you see that it was "accepted by the postal center of A., and thanks to the fucking, you've brought you to A., to be honest thought it was a post office, all in the country they call post office, instead it is a sorting office, but then why do not they write it on the "sorting office", or at least bring us a sign, perhaps instead of the SIM card advertising the post, who would never put a card in the phone, but maybe c 'is also who is. And the second day there is still only on this article, and you hurry, you may still remained at A., see the folly of those who have put in a corner, what can you do, you people of the country, not the understand the rush of us who are in town. And then the third day, a second information, "delivered at the Centre of Siena postal center." And you're happy, because it just has to go to Siena, and now there came, is at the heart of Siena center that sounds a bit 'funny, but they still call the post office was not better, however it is already there, now we just want the postman to deliver. And another day passes and is always delivered to the door center of the center of Siena. "And he passes another, and always the same story, but what the fuck does the postman, because he did not surrender. And it goes yet another, more of the same, but you quickly, which can do not understand, you made the recommendation that was in a hurry, and now the nerves are beginning to give way. And yet the day after the response arrives.
Now, I say, but making a monitoring system from which you clearly understand when the letter is reached the addressee, it would be asking too much? Why, only after I realized that "delivered at the Centre of Siena center" does not mean it has arrived at the post office in Siena, but it means that someone went to the door to collect it. But I understand only when I needed it most.

Now, I say, but making a monitoring system from which you clearly understand when the letter is reached the addressee, it would be asking too much? Why, only after I realized that "delivered at the Centre of Siena center" does not mean it has arrived at the post office in Siena, but it means that someone went to the door to collect it. But I understand only when I needed it most.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Catholic Sponsor Confirmation Letter
Stop consumption of land
Today I want to report this important campaign, entitled "Stop the use of the land", which aims to stem the continuing waste of a precious and increasingly scarce resource. Valuable both in terms of material (cemented the fertile soil is not restored so easily), but also a cultural, because our views are part of what we are today, and the barbarians with the bulldozers that make them all equal to a progressively American suburbs also kill our cultural identity. I would like to invite the (few) readers of my blog to join the campaign, and spread the news. Segnalo even the mayor's lit blog Domenico Finiguerra .

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Email To Brother In Law
The boys look (and horrified)
I think it's worth reading this letter published by La Stampa. These are the impressions of a fifth high school, who visited the Senate has had to find that the parliamentary sessions are now just a hollow representation meaningless. And Rita Levi-Montalcini feel the same way .
I think it's worth reading this letter published by La Stampa. These are the impressions of a fifth high school, who visited the Senate has had to find that the parliamentary sessions are now just a hollow representation meaningless. And Rita Levi-Montalcini feel the same way .
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