In an article that appeared this morning on Republic online, covering the trial for the murder of Meredith Kircher, reads:
Later, however, [Rudy Guede, a the accused] wrote to his legal explain the reasons for his silence. Letter that ended on time for fueling the disgusting television market diaries and memoirs that have thus far brought only more trouble to their authors.Noble words, indeed. Too bad that the same journalist, immediately below the link to the article, the famous letter Guede of her lawyers. The market will also be ashamed, but Republic does not hold some back.
Then, the article is interesting in other respects, as relates to medico-legal experts who express conclusions based not on evidence but on personal opinion. With the benefit of the doubt should always be given to those who end up in the newspapers, there that's creepy. But how certain mechanisms work of justice, I had already spoken . Light-years, compared to all'asetticità Grissom.
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