Friday, February 26, 2010

Non Religious Wedding Ceremonies

The educational intervention with people with autism

One of the arguments that I have dealt with more in the last 15 years as an operator and as a pedagogue is the education of autistic people. The principal
both the theoretical and operational terms is the work of Division TEACCH in North Carolina, as a pilot state program that takes care of autistic people "from cradle to grave" assistance-but not in a logic "enabling" in the educational sense, able to facilitate the social integration of these people both at school and at work.
A first knowledge of the characteristics of this disorder and general guidelines for educational intervention with autistic people called "High Functioning" (ie with a normal IQ or above normal), I insert the link with my presentation "Autism: learn to act " I used in the training.
the methodology of working with people with autism and, more generally, to people with special educational needs, I think it is a particularly important way of participatory planning and joint planning in order to involve all actors on the educational scene. To pursue this issue there reference to certain documents: a presentation "joint planning" used in training and I have three articles published in some magazines, where I analyze how the co-design can be seen in relation to the different actors involved and the various phases of the operation ( "The design with the families" , design with the peer group and "Integrated Assessment" ). About
insert the link of the assessment of the documentation center of Cesena where I edited the section on observation and assessment of autistic people in the contexts of life.


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