The analysis of the regional elections of the vote says that the real winner was the turnout, which affected equally left and right. The League, at the same time, he held, making it proportionately stronger. In Emilia Romagna the breaking of the league is a figure that leaps to the eye: more than 165% compared to previous regional 2005. Of course, in the Emilia Romagna Carroccio came later than in the Lombardo-Veneto, but 180 000 more votes, as the researchers recorded the Istituto Cattaneo, not a few. In contrast, the protagonists of the bipolar major parties, namely the PDL and the Democratic Party back from the regional five years ago. Berlusconi's party in Emilia Romagna loses 16% of its electorate, namely 99 000 votes, while the Democratic Party will leave the field on 22% or 239 thousand votes. In regions where it is presented, in addition, the movement of consensus grillini unexpected. In Emilia Romagna, the list Grillo has intercepted the disgruntled left-wing, partly renounced the vote (the third is for Emilia increase of abstention), to the point of pushing the list up to 6% 'Movement five-star "in the region. Are disparate phenomena that can not be combined or be part of the same process of change? My impression is that these phenomena are part of the same phenomenon that we can define general disaffection with the political parties represented by large . It is, in my view, clearly a widespread weariness of politics to the self, able to talk about politics but not the internal affairs of the problems facing citizens.
We read about the analysis of Mannheimer in the Corriere della Sera:
The sharp decline in voter participation is without doubt one of the most important outcomes - if not the most important, at least as an indicator underlying social phenomena - these regional elections. The overall decline in the share of voters is one of the highest found in the last ten years: the amplitude of the phenomenon indicates its importance and at the same time, its complexity ... The main reasons underlying the increase of desertion from the polls are mainly linked to a move away from politics. It is, in many cases, an increased separation from the latter, increasingly felt as far away (and sometimes irrelevant) from everyday life. But much of abstentions shall be based, instead, by an attitude of great interest in politics ... which has been accompanied by an 'equally sensitive disaffection toward his players, or parties ... The transformed leader of this detachment from politics in general explicit conduct abstainer was partly held back by at least two factors that emerge clearly from the land of 'no vote' ... In this context of general decline , there is an important and significant differentiation. The decline in voting is in fact tend to be higher in central and northern regions than most of the southern regions (with the 'partial exception of Apulia) ... The explanation lies in the fact that in the south is more popular vote "micropersonale (other than" macropersonale 'direct to the great political leaders) descending by the dense network of interpersonal relationships and interests that dominate political life in those regions and leading, for example, to a much greater use of preferential voting. In this context, then, the disaffection with the "big" policy was to some extent offset by the maintenance of 'interest in' micro 'policy, practiced by individuals and candidates. There is a second factor that has pushed part of the broader social trend of disaffection with the 'exercise of the valid vote. It is the presence of parties, the nature and the disclosure of which manage to attract the dissatisfaction with the policy. The main beneficiary of this phenomenon is, at this time, the League North ... The relative success of the list of "Five Stars" is inspired by Beppe Grillo, among others, due to 'off' anti-political. " If it were not for these elements, perhaps, the transformation of strong dissatisfaction in the country in turnout would have been even greater.
A sensational case, then, is to Bocchigliero, where over 97% of voters did not vote. An isolated incident? Yes, but perhaps also a signal advance ... The actual turnout set to blank or spoiled votes representing 40% of the electorate, the first Italian party. Disaffection with the major parties, the establishment of the Northern League and the Movement 5 stars, and then, phenomena are heterogeneous and do not go? In my opinion, the answer is that these phenomena should be included within the same framework.
vote in the South and the North for the league you can read a need for closeness and local roots, which in itself is a vital thrust to balance the processes of globalization. Across the assertion of grillini, in addition to channel popular anger towards the "big politics", responds to the urgent need to talk about concrete issues (eg ripubblicizzazione water, recycling ...).
We are seeing a crisis ever deeper understanding of the principle of representation, lived as a white bill to politicians once they get power they forget their place in the city, at least for the time of the legislature. They will return later to knock on the door after five years at the end of the mandate.
If you really want to find a political sense, must be rooted in the territories, listen to the needs and try to give answers.
As for the left, then I believe we need a force that really knows how to develop alternative and soul are critical thinking with respect to the prevailing neo-liberalism. Do not just think small adjustments to a system that makes water from all sides, to redress the balance etc..
The need for roots in the territory, proximity to national policy should be engaged to bring it to other outcomes than the snarling racism in the league. In this sense the horizon of change and designed by theorists of decline (where the leakage is fundamental) in the right direction. Latouche in "Short essay on the decline happy" presents data and proposed lighting left a crisis of ideas should be able to catch. When it comes to antiberlusconismo as the glue of the left, unfortunately, is not very far from the truth. What is the soul of the left? What is your idea of \u200b\u200ban alternative? Unfortunately it is very hard to answer these questions: the identity is weak and so are the ideas, often absent.
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