Latin MAD contemporary art exhibition
FOTEMUSA cultural event for the second year Borgo Sabotino by Fabio D'Achille - MAD contemporary art exhibition - Vincenzo Notaro (inventor) and Alvaro Carraro, the venue is Consorzio Agrario di Borgo Sabotino (LT) via Foceverde , culminating in the three exhibitions Photo of Paul Petrignani, Gabriele Di Mascolo and Marcello Scopelliti. After the photographer George and Judith de Camillis Zampiero Saturday, July 31 from 19.00 the project continues with the photoreportage on "clandestine center" of Paul Petrignani, reportage "Sin Fronteras" by Gabriele Di Mascolo and host special featuring Marcello Scopelliti for the first time the winning photographs of the Earthquake in PX3 Paris Abruzzo.Programma Vernissage: From 19, 00 will attend the Officer of the Embassy of Argentina in Rome Creide Vanessa Martin, who officially represent the Embassy of the Republic of Argentina, which is celebrating its 200 years. Slide Show entire reportage Centers Clandestini.Alle 20.00 the event will be enriched by a performance of Latin American dances (tango / salsa / hip hop) School SALSA HE MAKES Aprilia will see that the performance of the Master of Titian Sciullo with his dance troupe.
Admission is free. We thank the Agricultural Consortium for making available premises, Alvaro Carraro and the Parish of the Village which has financially supported the event.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Female Doctor Checking Penies
Suio Terme (LT), group exhibition
Councillor for Commerce Giancarlo Cardillo, announced that its proposal on the City Council authorized an exhibition of handicrafts, antique furniture and decor, modern, rigatteria, collecting, to be held only on Wednesday of the month August and September 2010 in the locality Suio Terme Belvedere Garden. "
"This new initiative, the commissioner said Giancarlo Cardillo-part of a wider program to promote tourism and the spa area Suio becoming increasingly being taken by the municipality. Although this proposal may support the needs of tourism and enhance the development Trade and private entrepreneurship in a context and in a time of economic crisis. "
All exhibitors and / or stakeholders wishing to participate must pay the City the only law in inquiry quantified € 10.00 payable to the ccp 12558045 made payable to the City of Castelforte Treasury Department with any tax exemption on the occupation of public land , since it is an initiative to promote the spa Suio
Councillor for Commerce Giancarlo Cardillo, announced that its proposal on the City Council authorized an exhibition of handicrafts, antique furniture and decor, modern, rigatteria, collecting, to be held only on Wednesday of the month August and September 2010 in the locality Suio Terme Belvedere Garden. "
"This new initiative, the commissioner said Giancarlo Cardillo-part of a wider program to promote tourism and the spa area Suio becoming increasingly being taken by the municipality. Although this proposal may support the needs of tourism and enhance the development Trade and private entrepreneurship in a context and in a time of economic crisis. "
All exhibitors and / or stakeholders wishing to participate must pay the City the only law in inquiry quantified € 10.00 payable to the ccp 12558045 made payable to the City of Castelforte Treasury Department with any tax exemption on the occupation of public land , since it is an initiative to promote the spa Suio
What Is Good For Herpes In Your Nose
Rome, Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman interpret ...
In Rome in the Courtyard of the Palace of the Conservatives in the Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, Tuesday, July 27 at 21:30 will take place the show 'Schumann House', designed and produced by the "Journal of Nations" and starring Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman in the roles of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck, reminiscent of the correspondence is by reading the diary family of two musicians, the Key stages of their artistic and human relationship.
'Schumann House' focuses on family events, professional and human resources of a pair of the most famous artists in music history: the composer Robert Schumann, which this year marks the bicentenary of the birth, and the famous pianist Clara Wieck his wife and companion of art.
The show, which is composed of elements of music and theater wants to evoke those that were the deepest and most intimate moments of this union that reproducing the atmosphere of music and animated the meeting house of the Schumann. The drama is inspired by some of the most beautiful and passionate letters of the family diary that the two musicians shared since the late 30s, and winds its way through the reading of excerpts of these letters reveal how strong was the link between the two artists, though stubbornly opposed by the father of Clara. The project aims in an even stronger thanks to the scene of Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman united in life and in art as Robert and Clara and which will be adjusted to the narrative. On stage, also the pianist who will perform Imma Baptist some songs by Schumann, Wieck, Brahms, Mendelssohn, which were composed during the period in which the diary was written, to recreate the atmosphere of the time and add pathos to the narrative.
The show made in connection with 'Scene in Rome 2010' is free admission upon reservation number 06:06:08.
In Rome in the Courtyard of the Palace of the Conservatives in the Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, Tuesday, July 27 at 21:30 will take place the show 'Schumann House', designed and produced by the "Journal of Nations" and starring Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman in the roles of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck, reminiscent of the correspondence is by reading the diary family of two musicians, the Key stages of their artistic and human relationship.

'Schumann House' focuses on family events, professional and human resources of a pair of the most famous artists in music history: the composer Robert Schumann, which this year marks the bicentenary of the birth, and the famous pianist Clara Wieck his wife and companion of art.
The show, which is composed of elements of music and theater wants to evoke those that were the deepest and most intimate moments of this union that reproducing the atmosphere of music and animated the meeting house of the Schumann. The drama is inspired by some of the most beautiful and passionate letters of the family diary that the two musicians shared since the late 30s, and winds its way through the reading of excerpts of these letters reveal how strong was the link between the two artists, though stubbornly opposed by the father of Clara. The project aims in an even stronger thanks to the scene of Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman united in life and in art as Robert and Clara and which will be adjusted to the narrative. On stage, also the pianist who will perform Imma Baptist some songs by Schumann, Wieck, Brahms, Mendelssohn, which were composed during the period in which the diary was written, to recreate the atmosphere of the time and add pathos to the narrative.
The show made in connection with 'Scene in Rome 2010' is free admission upon reservation number 06:06:08.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Closed Or Open Patella
In his latest essay Five steps (2010) R. Benini, psychologist and psychotherapist, finds a path toward growth ' self that is divided into several steps or, as he says, in five steps
happens all of a sudden. Without the man who asks, without understanding the meaning and without any warning, he is "thrown" in the world. At first his situation is so precarious that, deprived of aid for adults, quickly return to the starting condition ... For others, however, begins a struggle for survival that drives them to seek appropriate forms of adaptation to the environment of life. This can happen only when the man actually becomes a "master" of his mental and physical resources, which can use to show the outside world and its inhabitants and to face the demands and changes of life.
The first great task of man ... is to know what strategies to use to choose which strategies to use to achieve the objectives listed above. To achieve all This requires that, during growth, and not for the rest of his life, he is helped to accept the precariousness of his condition, to integrate all its internal parts ..., to meet the needs of each of them, not to escape in front of the existential anxieties and build personal forms of adaptation. "(op. cit., p. 23)
We see in detail the five steps ...
First step: accept the human condition
Benini part by a consideration of nature philosophy that echoes the existentialism Sartiano: the man is thrown into the world as , apart from his will. The man is therefore the condition of not to reject his existence: 'exist in the world and relate to it are a necessity that every man can not escape. Moreover, as Sartre says, there is no God and can guarantee to give a precise and specific meaning to the world. The human condition is, therefore, experienced as a necessary reality in which we find ourselves, but without warranty of any kind of sense.
The man thus lives with a demand for meaning which often can not be answered: "Learning to live without knowing the real meaning of existence, is no easy task and it is even more when we grow is a person who, in turn, very confused and scared. "(ibid., p. 32). Benini is skeptical about the possibility of solving the problem that arises with the awareness of death (for he is an insoluble question, because in life we \u200b\u200bhave no experience of death, thinking that recalls the words of the Letter to Menoeceus of Epicurus as "the most terrible evil, death is nothing for us, because when we are there is not death, when there is death we are no longer "), and suggests that the meaning of existence can be found in a process leading to self-realization, in which one can achieve a high level of adaptation based on self-respect, of others and the environment in which we live. This is the meaning that derives from the fullness of being: "To do that man must satisfy their natural needs, to combat fear and adapt to the laws of adaptation: targets far from impossible, if the company they belong and reference adults, instead of getting lost behind unsolvable questions or chasing paradise of the afterlife, to teach their children the love for life and for people like themselves. "(ibid., p. 32)
ultimately accept the human condition is to accept living with uncertainty: "Beyond what may be the dramatic vision of existence is ... clear that the only way forward is to help people to accept their condition (environmental and relational), a fundamental step to be able to live fully and in some cases, to be able to change it. "(ibid., pp. 33-34)
Second step: integrate the three minds
Benini again about this "second step" theory of the three brains, "first formulated by Maclean ( Evolution of the brain and human behavior , Torino , Einaudi, 1984), that there are three distinct types of brain characters to neurophysiological and psychological skills and differentiated by origin and phylogenetic age: respectively are named as paleoencefalo or reptilian brain, or limbic brain paleomammifero; neomammifero brain or neocortex. The reptilian brain
chair forms of repetitive behavior, genetically determined, according to rigid programs that do not accept change. In a sense, according to Maclean are part of the "repetition compulsion" mentioned by Freud.
The limbic system, however, allows mammals to receive signals from the external environment that both the inner and adapt better to each of them. Acting as a transmitter of information from outside and inside, assures us of "separateness" from that which is different from us and the "cohabitation" with ourselves that lasts a lifetime. In other words, with this brain apparent self-consciousness.
Finally, the neocortex is the brain that Maclean is "capable of reading, writing and arithmetic." The neocortex is oriented towards the outside world, from which it receives the information and in which draw maps articulated. Moreover, it is capable of innovation, knows how to design solutions also face new problems and predict the consequences of their choices.
Benini reformulates the theory of the three brains, talking about the coexistence of three minds, an expression of different developmental levels achieved: the organic mind , Looking at the instinctual sphere, and the psychological mind , which allows the creation of self-consciousness, the social mind , which gives rise to empathy and knowledge of others. These minds, to Benin, are placed each in a different stage of ontogenetic development and phylogenetic, and lack of good integration between them is to create a chaotic situation and conflict. The man who built it manages to combine the different instruments, responding to the different needs that each mind asks to meet. The mind asks
biological response to the needs of self-preservation (human biology), the mind gives rise to the psychological needs of self-knowledge (human psychology): the social mind, finally, gives life to the needs of report (human capital), "Man built, according to the demands of existence, will therefore be able, from time to time, to coordinate the" men "in-house and use the one most suited to the situation, moving driven by the need for self-realization.
Third step: to recognize and meet human needs
Benitez takes the theory of human needs formulated by Maslow (Motivation and personality , Rome, Armando, 1973), remodeled the house in shape. Maslow has
conative needs within a pyramid scheme:
basic needs are defined physiological and concern such as hunger and thirst, followed by a step ahead of security needs, those needs that make us feel the need of a world social order ruled by laws, a step higher are the needs for belonging and affection , that need that drives us towards the inter-human relationships (for example, you want the friendship or belong to a group), the fourth step, there are estimated to cover the needs of self-esteem and the esteem of others, and finally in step are the highest needs of self-involving the development of its potential (for example, for those who have talent for music is to become self-musician).
satisfaction lower in the pyramid of needs enables you to experience the highest needs. The major frustration of needs produces pathology.
Benitez uses the metaphor of the tree instead of the pyramid: the base of the tree place the needs of self-preservation affecting the physical survival (eg, biological needs. Eat, drink, sleep, care needs of the body) and psychological (security needs - eg. live in a safe territory - and heal the psyche), the height of the first branches are the needs of self-determination (self-knowledge) that refer to the need to build mental boundaries of be emotionally nurtured, to the need for autonomy and dependence are higher than the needs of report covering the whole sphere of social interaction (recognition-related needs to be acknowledged and recognized-and to live actively in social groups of reference) in the tree are the needs for self with which deepens the understanding of their inner world and the environment in which we live, we express their potential and feel free to contact their emotions.
Step Four: Do not run away with the existential anxieties
The systematic frustration of needs produces anxiety: the psychotic anxieties derived from a deep frustration of self-preservation-related needs (anxiety, fragmentation and persecution) and produce a distortion of objective reality, the narcissistic anxieties (aside from anxiety and abandonment) stem from the frustration of the needs of self-determination and knowledge of itself and produce a deformation of the representation of self and others; the neurotic anxieties (anxiety, rejection and exclusion), then, derive from the frustration of needs report and produce a deformation of the emotional content and / or cognitive impairments. It should be noted that the relationship between needs and distress is inversely: with increasing satisfaction needs decreases anxiety.
"A child growing up in the anguish is forced to distance themselves, without being aware, from their real needs and is led to replace them, depending on the type of distress present with false social and family needs, in severe cases it finds himself prey to chronic diseases and psychological and physical. "(ibid., p.79)
Fifth step: building a personal adjustment to life
The last step in the evolutionary path for Benitez is the construction of a personal adaptation to life, based on three "laws":
• The law of balance: the concerns homeostatic capacity of the organism to find a new balance in the light of changes;
• The Law of Communication is about the ability to contact the internal environment (the three minds) and the external environment (physical and relational) and in order to decode proper signals from within and without;
• The law of sole symptom: a symptom occurs whenever a man is not able to respond effectively to the other two laws, ie the symptom indicates a mismatch, an imbalance, a lack of communication .
To build realistic and subjective forms of adaptation to life: "... it is necessary to reach a good understanding laws of human adaptation and the ability to apply them flexibly and individually "(ibid., p.117)
Benini reminds us in several passages of his essay that this growth is very often hampered by a culture of belonging and educational practices are unable to respond to the needs of the child and the most authentic person.
gives birth to a baby does not magically endow it with the ability to love life and be able to give it meaning. These resources, in fact, be educated and developed in the small already during growth and in adults for the rest of life. We learned, however, that in the presence of immature society and "greedy" by anxious adults and ideologies and religions are more attentive to castrate the man not to approach him lovingly to his needs, can be determined in the individual life situations of suffering ... In order not to perpetuate the "great deception" is therefore necessary for man to learn to take care of himself and of his many troubles. This is achieved by teaching the individual to "look inward" to raise awareness that it's self and to question all maladaptive behaviors or against nature ... What is certain is that if modern man continues nell'infantile illusion to live a drug that is sufficient, or the improvement of its image, or the accumulation of consumer goods to eliminate the existential anguish, and risks seeing in the coming years, a further "barbarism" of the existence . The most terrible disaster that can affect the human being, in fact, is to lose himself and losing the social and psychological resources necessary to fill their lives with meaning and to remain "attached" to their own situation.
(ibid., p.120)
In line with the teachings of Freud in Civilization and Its Discontents relates the suffering psychological individual with society and culture of the time, Benitez points out that behind the growing malaise of the psyche (puzzling are the data reported in the paper about the growth of depressive illness) is a society unable to provide values \u200b\u200band directions useful for a full sense of human fulfillment. The responsibility for the way out is primarily in the hands of those who carry out their educational duties and, in the first place is for this essay.

In his latest essay Five steps (2010) R. Benini, psychologist and psychotherapist, finds a path toward growth ' self that is divided into several steps or, as he says, in five steps
happens all of a sudden. Without the man who asks, without understanding the meaning and without any warning, he is "thrown" in the world. At first his situation is so precarious that, deprived of aid for adults, quickly return to the starting condition ... For others, however, begins a struggle for survival that drives them to seek appropriate forms of adaptation to the environment of life. This can happen only when the man actually becomes a "master" of his mental and physical resources, which can use to show the outside world and its inhabitants and to face the demands and changes of life.
The first great task of man ... is to know what strategies to use to choose which strategies to use to achieve the objectives listed above. To achieve all This requires that, during growth, and not for the rest of his life, he is helped to accept the precariousness of his condition, to integrate all its internal parts ..., to meet the needs of each of them, not to escape in front of the existential anxieties and build personal forms of adaptation. "(op. cit., p. 23)
We see in detail the five steps ...
First step: accept the human condition
Benini part by a consideration of nature philosophy that echoes the existentialism Sartiano: the man is thrown into the world as , apart from his will. The man is therefore the condition of not to reject his existence: 'exist in the world and relate to it are a necessity that every man can not escape. Moreover, as Sartre says, there is no God and can guarantee to give a precise and specific meaning to the world. The human condition is, therefore, experienced as a necessary reality in which we find ourselves, but without warranty of any kind of sense.
The man thus lives with a demand for meaning which often can not be answered: "Learning to live without knowing the real meaning of existence, is no easy task and it is even more when we grow is a person who, in turn, very confused and scared. "(ibid., p. 32). Benini is skeptical about the possibility of solving the problem that arises with the awareness of death (for he is an insoluble question, because in life we \u200b\u200bhave no experience of death, thinking that recalls the words of the Letter to Menoeceus of Epicurus as "the most terrible evil, death is nothing for us, because when we are there is not death, when there is death we are no longer "), and suggests that the meaning of existence can be found in a process leading to self-realization, in which one can achieve a high level of adaptation based on self-respect, of others and the environment in which we live. This is the meaning that derives from the fullness of being: "To do that man must satisfy their natural needs, to combat fear and adapt to the laws of adaptation: targets far from impossible, if the company they belong and reference adults, instead of getting lost behind unsolvable questions or chasing paradise of the afterlife, to teach their children the love for life and for people like themselves. "(ibid., p. 32)
ultimately accept the human condition is to accept living with uncertainty: "Beyond what may be the dramatic vision of existence is ... clear that the only way forward is to help people to accept their condition (environmental and relational), a fundamental step to be able to live fully and in some cases, to be able to change it. "(ibid., pp. 33-34)
Second step: integrate the three minds
Benini again about this "second step" theory of the three brains, "first formulated by Maclean ( Evolution of the brain and human behavior , Torino , Einaudi, 1984), that there are three distinct types of brain characters to neurophysiological and psychological skills and differentiated by origin and phylogenetic age: respectively are named as paleoencefalo or reptilian brain, or limbic brain paleomammifero; neomammifero brain or neocortex. The reptilian brain
chair forms of repetitive behavior, genetically determined, according to rigid programs that do not accept change. In a sense, according to Maclean are part of the "repetition compulsion" mentioned by Freud.
The limbic system, however, allows mammals to receive signals from the external environment that both the inner and adapt better to each of them. Acting as a transmitter of information from outside and inside, assures us of "separateness" from that which is different from us and the "cohabitation" with ourselves that lasts a lifetime. In other words, with this brain apparent self-consciousness.
Finally, the neocortex is the brain that Maclean is "capable of reading, writing and arithmetic." The neocortex is oriented towards the outside world, from which it receives the information and in which draw maps articulated. Moreover, it is capable of innovation, knows how to design solutions also face new problems and predict the consequences of their choices.
Benini reformulates the theory of the three brains, talking about the coexistence of three minds, an expression of different developmental levels achieved: the organic mind , Looking at the instinctual sphere, and the psychological mind , which allows the creation of self-consciousness, the social mind , which gives rise to empathy and knowledge of others. These minds, to Benin, are placed each in a different stage of ontogenetic development and phylogenetic, and lack of good integration between them is to create a chaotic situation and conflict. The man who built it manages to combine the different instruments, responding to the different needs that each mind asks to meet. The mind asks
biological response to the needs of self-preservation (human biology), the mind gives rise to the psychological needs of self-knowledge (human psychology): the social mind, finally, gives life to the needs of report (human capital), "Man built, according to the demands of existence, will therefore be able, from time to time, to coordinate the" men "in-house and use the one most suited to the situation, moving driven by the need for self-realization.
Third step: to recognize and meet human needs
Benitez takes the theory of human needs formulated by Maslow (Motivation and personality , Rome, Armando, 1973), remodeled the house in shape. Maslow has
conative needs within a pyramid scheme:
basic needs are defined physiological and concern such as hunger and thirst, followed by a step ahead of security needs, those needs that make us feel the need of a world social order ruled by laws, a step higher are the needs for belonging and affection , that need that drives us towards the inter-human relationships (for example, you want the friendship or belong to a group), the fourth step, there are estimated to cover the needs of self-esteem and the esteem of others, and finally in step are the highest needs of self-involving the development of its potential (for example, for those who have talent for music is to become self-musician).
satisfaction lower in the pyramid of needs enables you to experience the highest needs. The major frustration of needs produces pathology.
Benitez uses the metaphor of the tree instead of the pyramid: the base of the tree place the needs of self-preservation affecting the physical survival (eg, biological needs. Eat, drink, sleep, care needs of the body) and psychological (security needs - eg. live in a safe territory - and heal the psyche), the height of the first branches are the needs of self-determination (self-knowledge) that refer to the need to build mental boundaries of be emotionally nurtured, to the need for autonomy and dependence are higher than the needs of report covering the whole sphere of social interaction (recognition-related needs to be acknowledged and recognized-and to live actively in social groups of reference) in the tree are the needs for self with which deepens the understanding of their inner world and the environment in which we live, we express their potential and feel free to contact their emotions.
Step Four: Do not run away with the existential anxieties
The systematic frustration of needs produces anxiety: the psychotic anxieties derived from a deep frustration of self-preservation-related needs (anxiety, fragmentation and persecution) and produce a distortion of objective reality, the narcissistic anxieties (aside from anxiety and abandonment) stem from the frustration of the needs of self-determination and knowledge of itself and produce a deformation of the representation of self and others; the neurotic anxieties (anxiety, rejection and exclusion), then, derive from the frustration of needs report and produce a deformation of the emotional content and / or cognitive impairments. It should be noted that the relationship between needs and distress is inversely: with increasing satisfaction needs decreases anxiety.
"A child growing up in the anguish is forced to distance themselves, without being aware, from their real needs and is led to replace them, depending on the type of distress present with false social and family needs, in severe cases it finds himself prey to chronic diseases and psychological and physical. "(ibid., p.79)
Fifth step: building a personal adjustment to life
The last step in the evolutionary path for Benitez is the construction of a personal adaptation to life, based on three "laws":
• The law of balance: the concerns homeostatic capacity of the organism to find a new balance in the light of changes;
• The Law of Communication is about the ability to contact the internal environment (the three minds) and the external environment (physical and relational) and in order to decode proper signals from within and without;
• The law of sole symptom: a symptom occurs whenever a man is not able to respond effectively to the other two laws, ie the symptom indicates a mismatch, an imbalance, a lack of communication .
To build realistic and subjective forms of adaptation to life: "... it is necessary to reach a good understanding laws of human adaptation and the ability to apply them flexibly and individually "(ibid., p.117)
Benini reminds us in several passages of his essay that this growth is very often hampered by a culture of belonging and educational practices are unable to respond to the needs of the child and the most authentic person.
gives birth to a baby does not magically endow it with the ability to love life and be able to give it meaning. These resources, in fact, be educated and developed in the small already during growth and in adults for the rest of life. We learned, however, that in the presence of immature society and "greedy" by anxious adults and ideologies and religions are more attentive to castrate the man not to approach him lovingly to his needs, can be determined in the individual life situations of suffering ... In order not to perpetuate the "great deception" is therefore necessary for man to learn to take care of himself and of his many troubles. This is achieved by teaching the individual to "look inward" to raise awareness that it's self and to question all maladaptive behaviors or against nature ... What is certain is that if modern man continues nell'infantile illusion to live a drug that is sufficient, or the improvement of its image, or the accumulation of consumer goods to eliminate the existential anguish, and risks seeing in the coming years, a further "barbarism" of the existence . The most terrible disaster that can affect the human being, in fact, is to lose himself and losing the social and psychological resources necessary to fill their lives with meaning and to remain "attached" to their own situation.
(ibid., p.120)
In line with the teachings of Freud in Civilization and Its Discontents relates the suffering psychological individual with society and culture of the time, Benitez points out that behind the growing malaise of the psyche (puzzling are the data reported in the paper about the growth of depressive illness) is a society unable to provide values \u200b\u200band directions useful for a full sense of human fulfillment. The responsibility for the way out is primarily in the hands of those who carry out their educational duties and, in the first place is for this essay.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Does The The Pink Witch In Wiz Of Oz Have Wings
In the history of psychology links between individual pathology and social pathology has been made since the days of Freud. This type of reflection was developed by Fromm and recently Benasayag Schmit and beautiful in their essay "The era of sad passions. In this paper we attempt to show that narcissism is a psychic force that can vary along a continuum and is to be linked with the cultural variables specific to a given society.
The myth of Narcissus
The myth of Narcissus is in Metamorphoses of Ovid and tells of a young man of beautiful appearance, the son of god and the nymph Liriope Cephisus river, of which men and women fell madly in love . Narciso preferred spending his time hunting, regardless of its suitors, including the nymph Echo. Rejected by Narcissus, the nymph hid in the woods and disappear. Eco not only, but all the young and the young despised by Narciso, invoked the vengeance of the gods. Narcissus was so condemned by Nemesis to fall in love with his reflection in the water. More and more fascinated by the image of his face, Narcissus came to potersene not detached, leaned over the water and left to die. Where his body lay a beautiful rose flower, which was called by his name.
Narcissism in Freud
In a rough definition, then narcissism means love for its image . In psychoanalysis, Freud used the concept of narcissism made the following distinction:
1. Primary narcissism: it is conceived as a stage in which the child invests all his libido on himself before turning to external objects. Compared autoerotism, where each drive seek its own gratification related to the functioning of an organ, in the primary narcissism is still autoerotic gratification, but with reference to a unified image of the body or a first draft of the ego.
2. Secondary narcissism: the ego is characterized by a withdrawal of object libido withdrawn his investments. This is possible primarily because the investments object do not suppress the ego investment, and secondly because, writes Freud, "The ego must be regarded as a great reservoir of libido from which libido is issued on the objects, if it is always the ego is always ready to take upon himself libido which flows back from these "
To better understand this distinction, we must remember that for Freud's psychosexual development takes place along two lines:
• in relation to the erogenous zones (oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital);
• in relation to the object.
Regarding the line of development that the relationship with the object, the child undergoes an initial stage of auto-eroticism where the partial drives are met independently of each other, as pleasure organ. We then move on to primary narcissism in which the partial drives are gathered around a single object, which in this case is the ego, an ego perceived as a unitary body. The next step is to love or love object mature adult. There is talk of secondary narcissism, in reference to a return of narcissism in adulthood. The secondary narcissism characterizes both normal phenomena (their regression of falling, children, a physical illness), and abnormal phenomena (mental illness), this term the withdrawal of the investment from the outside world, and a reflux of these charges on the ego. Libido, then, that unity which originally invested is the Self, then investing the objects, but can also be withdrawn from them and reported back on the ego. But, says Freud in Totem and Taboo "a human being remains somewhat narcissistic even after finding external objects for his libido." The development, for Freud, it would be an evolution from narcissism to an absolute objective reasoning skills and love for the object, a capacity, however, that does not go beyond certain limits.
Narcissism individual and social Fromm Fromm puts
discuss the concept of libido, sexual energy, replacing it with the more general psychic energy, but leaves unchanged the general scheme of interpretation of narcissism and dynamic conception of the psychic apparatus. Let's rebuild his view of narcissism, citing some pages of his love Psychoanalysis:
begin our description of narcissism with two extreme examples: the "primary narcissism" of the infant and the patient's narcissism. The child does not have relations with the outside world (his libido in Freudian terminology has not yet projected out objects). In other words, the outside world does not exist for the child, so that he can not distinguish between the 'I' and 'not me. " We could also say that the child has no interest (interest = "be in) to the outside world. The only reality that exists for the child is himself: his body, his physical sensations of cold and heat, thirst, need for sleep and physical contact. The mentally ill are in a situation that is not fundamentally different from that of the newborn. But as for the baby to the outside world has not yet emerged as real, for what it has ceased to be real. In hallucinations, in fact, the senses have lost their function to record external events - they record the subjective experience into categories of sensory responses to external objects. The same mechanism is acting paranoid delusion. Fear and suspicion, in fact, that emotions are subjective, it is objectified in such a way that the paranoid is convinced that others are conspiring against her. It is precisely this difference with the neurotic person: it can have constant fear of being hated, persecuted, etc.. But still know that this is what he is afraid. For the paranoid fear turned into reality .... Psychosis is a state of absolute narcissism, in which the person has broken any connection with external reality and substituted its own person to reality. It is completely full of himself, has become the "god and the world" for itself ... (Fromm 1971, pp.66-67)
Fromm talking about the baby reminds us that at that stage that the infant lives M. Mahler called autistic phase: in the first month of life the child is unable to differentiate itself from the outside world does not notice the existence of a separate agent of care, ie someone who takes care of him. Only after the second month of life gradually emerges a vague and confused awareness the existence of an agent of maternal care. The satisfaction of physiological needs (hunger), continuous contact with the maternal body, the observation of the face that moves cause the child to recognize, albeit vaguely, that there is something that is "not himself" from which depend on his wealth or his discomfort. The mother-object is not perceived as an entity separate from himself, but is caught in a symbiotic fusion in which there is no clear boundary, either physical or psychic, between child and mother ( symbiotic phase ). Only after the fifth month, with the first attempts to explore physical environment, begins that phase of physical and psychological distancing from the mother is called process of separation-individuation, which is completed around the third year of life with the acquisition of identity psychic and physical insistently says "mine" and "I" to assert himself, says "no" to assert his independence, he begins to recognize himself in the mirror.
The success of this evolution should thus allow the emergence of self-awareness in children as a separate individual, while awareness of the existence of a world outside themselves. In psychosis, to Fromm, there is a return all'indifferenziazione childhood: the outside world disappears behind the hallucination. The absolute narcissism, whether the child is that of the psychotic, is characterized, therefore, the denial of objective reality. As Fromm said: "Whatever the various manifestations of narcissism in all its forms is a common lack of genuine interest in the outside world ..." (op. cit. P. 71) But if
narcissism leads, as shown by the myth, self-destruction, because we are, to varying degrees, linked to this trend that seems dysfunctional in every respect for life? Fromm gives us that answer.
Narcissism is a passion whose intensity in many individuals may be comparable to sexual desire and the desire to be alive. In fact, many times turns out to be stronger of both. Even in the individual medium in which it does not have that intensity, it remains a core narcissistic that is almost indestructible. In those circumstances we might suspect that, like sex and survival, even narcissistic passion has an important biological function. ... Biologically, in terms of survival, man must give himself more important than than anyone else. If he did so from where you catch the energy and interest to defend itself against the other, to work for their livelihood, to fight for their survival, to raise their claims against those of others? ...
However, once it is recognized that narcissism plays an important biological function, we are faced with another problem. The extreme narcissism is not the function of making a man indifferent to others, unable to put their own needs in second place when it is necessary to cooperate with others? Narcissism does not make man asocial and, indeed, when it reaches an extreme degree, crazy? There is no doubt that the extreme individual narcissism would be a serious obstacle to the whole social life. But if this is true, it must be said that narcissism is in conflict with the principle of survival, because the individual can survive only if it is organized in groups, hardly anyone would be able to protect itself against the dangers of nature, nor would it be able to do many kinds of work which may be made only in the group. This causes the paradoxical result that narcissism is necessary for survival, and at the same time is a threat to survival. The solution of this paradox follows two directions: one is that narcissism is optimal for survival over the ceiling, that is to say, the degree of narcissism is biologically necessary to reduce the degree of narcissism is compatible with social co-operation; the other is that the individual is transformed into narcissism narcissism group, clan, nation, religion, race, etc.., become the objects of narcissistic passion rather than the individual. So narcissistic energy remains but is used in the interest of survival of the group rather than the individual's survival ...
From the point of view of any organized group that wants to survive, it is important that the group invested by its members of narcissistic energy. The survival of a group depends in some way by the fact that its members consider its importance as or more than that of their own lives, and who also believe in the validity, or rather in the superiority of their group in comparison to others.
(op. cit. Pp.72-78)
For Fromm, then, narcissism is a force that can not be eliminated, to some degree, it is functional to survival, affirmation of self, but when it makes too much ' individual unfit for social life and cooperation with other individuals. To prevent risks from excessive individual narcissism, the company encourages the movement of 'narcissistic energy from the individual to the social. At this point it will be your clan, nation or group of faithful to be invested with narcissistic energy. Belonging to a group, considered by its members above, is reflected, in fact, on a positive 'self-esteem of individuals who belong to it. Identification with a group considered "superior" can, in fact, improve self-image, a process that could be defined syllogistic: "My group is higher (major premise), I am a member of the group (minor premise ) = I'm better (conclusion). " As well as individual-level causes excessive narcissism, the inability to think in terms of objective even at a high social cohesion creates narcissistic pathological phenomena of the same sign.
regard to the pathology of narcissism group, the most obvious symptom, and frequently, as in the case of individual narcissism is a lack of objectivity and rational opinion ... If the policy actions are based on narcissistic self-glorification, the lack of objectivity often leads to disastrous consequences ... The narcissism of the group need satisfaction just as the individual. From one point of view that satisfaction comes from the common ideology of the superiority of their group, and the inferiority of everyone else ... If the narcissism of a group is hurt, then we find the same reaction of anger that we talked about the individual narcissism .... The violation of the flag, the insults against his God, emperor, leader, war and the loss of the territory have often led to violent feelings of revenge collective that later resulted in new wars. The wounded narcissism can only be appeased if the offender is crushed, and so the insult to his narcissism is cleared. The personal and national revenge, is based on wounded narcissism and the need to "heal" the wound through the annihilation of the offender.
(ibid., pp.85-87)
There is thus a narcissistic pathology a narcissistic individual and social pathology. What relationships exist between these two levels of narcissism? To try to answer your question, it is appropriate to compare different cultural models.
cultural models and visions of the self
A certain amount of self-respect, esteem and self-respect, in our Western culture are not only normal but desirable.
That this assumption, however, is not universal, we can understand some passages rebuilding intervention Jeanne Tsai, a psychologist at Stanford University, one of the meetings of the Mind and Life (study group formed by the Dalai Lama and leading researchers in psychology and neuroscience), whose contents can be found in the essay Destructive Emotions (Dalai Lama, D. Goleman 2003).
"How does culture influence the emotions? The cultures are similar and different in many respects. Social scientists have identified one of the differences between Western and non-Western cultures: the vision of self that, in turn, affects our emotions and our feelings ". Jeanne explained that the deepest core of the self seems to depend less on the culture, while the outer layer is strongly influenced them. This outer layer was the subject of his presentation today.
Although each cultural orientation of a certain amplitude, such as the vision of the self, to move along a continuum, Jeanne developed the argument stressing the extreme cases. "One type of this outer layer is what psychologists Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama call themselves a 'independent' - typical of people living in Western cultures - which sees itself as separate from others, including parents, children, the colleagues and friends. These people see the self as something that has values, beliefs - the internal attributes.
In contrast to this, there is a self 'interdependent', much more typical of people living in Asian cultures. These people see the self as something linked to the other, something that is indeed part of a social context. The interdependent self is defined in terms of social relations ...
"How do we know if these different visions of the self really exist? Although the literature and the arts provide the samples, we psychologists like to ask questions like 'Who are you?'. The Americans, with an independent self reply, 'I'm open, they are friendly, I'm smart, I am a good person', while the members of Asian cultures say, "I am a daughter or son, I work in this company, I play the piano" . Are defined more in terms of social roles that of inner attributes ...
"These different cultural views of the self affect the objectives that punctuate the life of an individual. The aim of the life of a person with an independent self is to separate, divide this into itself from the others. These are people who, in principle, they do express their inner beliefs, how they are saying and stressing their importance, particularly in relation to others ... But these objectives are different from those of someone who has an interdependent self, which is to contact with others and maintaining relationships. We do moderate our inner beliefs and minimizing the importance that we have respect the other ... These divergent views of the self affect different aspects of emotions ... First of all affect what constitutes an emotion desirable ... Westerners give value to the development of the self while Asians do damage to the cancellation of the self ... In American culture we think it's very, very important to have a high level of self-esteem ... We believe it is good to have a high self-esteem, low self-esteem and that's a bad thing, if it is low, for example, is related to depression and feelings of anxiety ... The idea is that Asians as they have on average lower self-esteem, may seem less healthy in terms of psychological within the dominant American culture. But it's not - it is simply the fact that their vision does not imply a normal exploitation of the self equal to that of Anglo-American. "
(op. cit. Pp. 334-340)
It is interesting to note here that the spread of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder seems to affect mainly certain cultural contexts. According to some observers, in fact, this disease has spread almost exclusively in Western capitalist countries.
How characterizes this disorder? We see the description given by P. Kernberg and others in Personality disorders in children and adolescents.
Although the grandiose sense of self-importance is central to the DP narcissistic vulnerability is a feature associated with self-esteem. This makes it an unusual patients with narcissistic DP extremely sensitive to criticism or failure, which may respond with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack. Their sense of entitlement endemic is often reflected in a failure of the superego, which looks like a lack of concern, guilt, or regret with respect to treat others badly. The non-self-monitoring that results gives rise to antisocial traits, personal bankruptcies, losses, or irresponsible behavior can be justified by rationalizations, prevarication or clear lies. In addition, introjects persecutors, destructive, primitive, which contribute to the formation of conscience, but which have not been well integrated into the superego, projected outside emerge in other anxieties as paranoid, or are expressed in somatic symptoms and how hypochondriacs. Finally, envy, deadly feature of the narcissistic patient with DP, destroys both the ability to experience satisfaction with what one has been able to do or gratitude for what others have done. The chronic sense of envy and devaluation, idealization of primitive self and others, efforts towards an omnipotent, narcissistic withdrawal or remain at a distance are all defenses that aim to protect the grandiose self.
(op. cit. 174)
In a culture that encourages a vision of themselves "independent", in which the individual is encouraged to define their own attributes to be through internal (and not under the system of relations where it is located), and where these attributes are going in the direction of the "strength and ability performing" Is it strange that people tend to hide their weaknesses and to develop a grandiose self-image?
The clinical link
Benasayag Schmit and in the essay The age of the passions sad (2005) depart from the negative assessment of our society, broken up in terms of (a social context of the pathogen itself), and have proposed a link clinic.
"Working for the autonomy of persons": this could be the motto of the dominant ideology in the context of the therapeutic and medico-social ... In a society where the ties are experienced as constraints or as contracts, the ' be self-perceived quality of society as a highly desirable ... It is worth a brief reference to Aristotle. Aristotle in fact, contradicting the common sense says that the slave is the one who has no ties, which does not have its place, which can be used everywhere and in different ways. The free man but one who has many links and many obligations towards others, towards the city and to the place where he lives ... Paradoxically, then, our company has succeeded in fashioning an ideal of freedom that looks like a drop water, the life of the slave as well as Aristotle defines
... One might say that in our society, being autonomous means simply to be strong ... We psychotherapists we must ask ourselves this goal: to make people weak that we shall "not weak" even knowing that it is absolutely impossible. In doing so, in fact, we put in even more trouble, so we refer devaluing their image of themselves, because they can not do what they should be, or be independent and strong.
The degree of strength and weakness is the only criterion used to think our lives and design our lives. The force is such an obsession that our society has produced a conception of freedom based on the domain: free is the one who dominates. ... Our contemporary dream-autonomous domain, are seeking to gain power over others and the environment that allows them to pursue their goals and satisfy their own desires without hindrance and without opposition anyone. ... Some therapeutic interventions are proposed as this autonomy-purpose power and try to help the patient to better control its environment, its psyche and its symptoms. In this logic is not at all interested in trying to understand the message or existential difficulties that lie behind the symptom or behavior, because what's important is to become a wolf-performance, dominating everything, including her own instincts, not the intention of the ideal wisdom of many philosophies, but to channel them for a productive life and utilitarian ...
Our company endorses the idea that everything is possible and that freedom is closely linked to the domain: we have the fate of all to win. The alternative to this mainstream philosophical view that freedom consists in taking their destiny ...
We are what is given, which is woven from a certain age and for some time. Not "have" a destiny but at the same time, we're nothing more, because any attempt to escape it condemns us to nothing, the fatality. In short, we have this fate. ... The fate of that complex conditions, histories and desires to meet and intertwine resulting in a singularity, a person. It consists of the bonds that we create and develop freely ... The freedom accorded with the destiny we get into a dimension of vulnerability. ... Entering the fragility means to live in an interdependent relationship, in a network of links with others. Ties that should not be seen as failures or successes, but as the possibility of a shared life. The bonds are not the limits of the ego, but what gives power to my freedom and my being. My freedom is not so that ends where the other's begins, but rather begins with the liberation of the other, through each other. In this sense one could say that individual freedom does not exist: there are only acts of liberation that connect us to others. This is the dimension, or rather these are the dimensions of fragility. A philosophical perspective of this type can form the basis of psychotherapy and can, in our opinion, to meet the challenges of our time.
(op. cit. Pag.101-106)
Concluding remarks
At the end of this overview on the narcissism which conclusions can be drawn? Thinking back to the lesson of Freud, that the individual pathology (intrapsychic conflict between the various departments, particularly between id and superego) can not be understood except in relation to a social context (in this case a society that sacrifices freedom in the name of security-re-read about it Discomfort civilization -), I believe that the phenomenon of narcissism at the individual level is not understood except in relation to an analysis of our socio-cultural context. Ours is a society which, according to Jeanne Tsai, cultivates a vision of the self independent of the individual as monad. We could also say that our culture celebrates extreme individualism at the expense of relations, lived almost as soon as possible to get rid of ties. This society and this culture encourage narcissistic pathologies at both individual and group level. The only way out of this situation seems to me that indicated by Fromm. In the essay already mentioned, Fromm, starting from the fact existence in each of us to a core narcissistic probably unavoidable, proposes a change of "object".
If the whole human family, could become the subject of narcissism group as an object instead of hiring a nation, a race, a political system, it would be an advantage. If the individual could experience, first as a citizen of the world and mankind could be proud of and work performed by it, his narcissism turned towards the human race, rather than to its members in conflict. If the educational systems of all countries an incentive to enterprises of mankind instead of the undertakings of a single nation, it could do something more compelling and dynamic in favor of the pride of being a man ...
(op. cit. pp.90-91)
In this perspective, which I personally agree, the effort cultural, educational and policy should go in the direction of increasingly recognize the interdependence of people and nations to the detriment of the illusory visions that face individuals and nations-atoms and glorious self-sufficient.
Benasayag, M., SCHMIT, G.
2005 The age of sad passions , Feltrinelli, Milan.
Dalai Lama, Goleman, D.
2004 Destructive Emotions , Mondadori, Milan.
1971 Civilization and its Discontents, Hogarth Press Bollati, Torino.
1971 Psychoanalysis love , Newton Compton, Rome.
Kernberg et al.
2001 Personality disorders in children and adolescents , Fiori, Rome.

In the history of psychology links between individual pathology and social pathology has been made since the days of Freud. This type of reflection was developed by Fromm and recently Benasayag Schmit and beautiful in their essay "The era of sad passions. In this paper we attempt to show that narcissism is a psychic force that can vary along a continuum and is to be linked with the cultural variables specific to a given society.
The myth of Narcissus
The myth of Narcissus is in Metamorphoses of Ovid and tells of a young man of beautiful appearance, the son of god and the nymph Liriope Cephisus river, of which men and women fell madly in love . Narciso preferred spending his time hunting, regardless of its suitors, including the nymph Echo. Rejected by Narcissus, the nymph hid in the woods and disappear. Eco not only, but all the young and the young despised by Narciso, invoked the vengeance of the gods. Narcissus was so condemned by Nemesis to fall in love with his reflection in the water. More and more fascinated by the image of his face, Narcissus came to potersene not detached, leaned over the water and left to die. Where his body lay a beautiful rose flower, which was called by his name.
Narcissism in Freud
In a rough definition, then narcissism means love for its image . In psychoanalysis, Freud used the concept of narcissism made the following distinction:
1. Primary narcissism: it is conceived as a stage in which the child invests all his libido on himself before turning to external objects. Compared autoerotism, where each drive seek its own gratification related to the functioning of an organ, in the primary narcissism is still autoerotic gratification, but with reference to a unified image of the body or a first draft of the ego.
2. Secondary narcissism: the ego is characterized by a withdrawal of object libido withdrawn his investments. This is possible primarily because the investments object do not suppress the ego investment, and secondly because, writes Freud, "The ego must be regarded as a great reservoir of libido from which libido is issued on the objects, if it is always the ego is always ready to take upon himself libido which flows back from these "
To better understand this distinction, we must remember that for Freud's psychosexual development takes place along two lines:
• in relation to the erogenous zones (oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital);
• in relation to the object.
Regarding the line of development that the relationship with the object, the child undergoes an initial stage of auto-eroticism where the partial drives are met independently of each other, as pleasure organ. We then move on to primary narcissism in which the partial drives are gathered around a single object, which in this case is the ego, an ego perceived as a unitary body. The next step is to love or love object mature adult. There is talk of secondary narcissism, in reference to a return of narcissism in adulthood. The secondary narcissism characterizes both normal phenomena (their regression of falling, children, a physical illness), and abnormal phenomena (mental illness), this term the withdrawal of the investment from the outside world, and a reflux of these charges on the ego. Libido, then, that unity which originally invested is the Self, then investing the objects, but can also be withdrawn from them and reported back on the ego. But, says Freud in Totem and Taboo "a human being remains somewhat narcissistic even after finding external objects for his libido." The development, for Freud, it would be an evolution from narcissism to an absolute objective reasoning skills and love for the object, a capacity, however, that does not go beyond certain limits.
Narcissism individual and social Fromm Fromm puts
discuss the concept of libido, sexual energy, replacing it with the more general psychic energy, but leaves unchanged the general scheme of interpretation of narcissism and dynamic conception of the psychic apparatus. Let's rebuild his view of narcissism, citing some pages of his love Psychoanalysis:
begin our description of narcissism with two extreme examples: the "primary narcissism" of the infant and the patient's narcissism. The child does not have relations with the outside world (his libido in Freudian terminology has not yet projected out objects). In other words, the outside world does not exist for the child, so that he can not distinguish between the 'I' and 'not me. " We could also say that the child has no interest (interest = "be in) to the outside world. The only reality that exists for the child is himself: his body, his physical sensations of cold and heat, thirst, need for sleep and physical contact. The mentally ill are in a situation that is not fundamentally different from that of the newborn. But as for the baby to the outside world has not yet emerged as real, for what it has ceased to be real. In hallucinations, in fact, the senses have lost their function to record external events - they record the subjective experience into categories of sensory responses to external objects. The same mechanism is acting paranoid delusion. Fear and suspicion, in fact, that emotions are subjective, it is objectified in such a way that the paranoid is convinced that others are conspiring against her. It is precisely this difference with the neurotic person: it can have constant fear of being hated, persecuted, etc.. But still know that this is what he is afraid. For the paranoid fear turned into reality .... Psychosis is a state of absolute narcissism, in which the person has broken any connection with external reality and substituted its own person to reality. It is completely full of himself, has become the "god and the world" for itself ... (Fromm 1971, pp.66-67)
Fromm talking about the baby reminds us that at that stage that the infant lives M. Mahler called autistic phase: in the first month of life the child is unable to differentiate itself from the outside world does not notice the existence of a separate agent of care, ie someone who takes care of him. Only after the second month of life gradually emerges a vague and confused awareness the existence of an agent of maternal care. The satisfaction of physiological needs (hunger), continuous contact with the maternal body, the observation of the face that moves cause the child to recognize, albeit vaguely, that there is something that is "not himself" from which depend on his wealth or his discomfort. The mother-object is not perceived as an entity separate from himself, but is caught in a symbiotic fusion in which there is no clear boundary, either physical or psychic, between child and mother ( symbiotic phase ). Only after the fifth month, with the first attempts to explore physical environment, begins that phase of physical and psychological distancing from the mother is called process of separation-individuation, which is completed around the third year of life with the acquisition of identity psychic and physical insistently says "mine" and "I" to assert himself, says "no" to assert his independence, he begins to recognize himself in the mirror.
The success of this evolution should thus allow the emergence of self-awareness in children as a separate individual, while awareness of the existence of a world outside themselves. In psychosis, to Fromm, there is a return all'indifferenziazione childhood: the outside world disappears behind the hallucination. The absolute narcissism, whether the child is that of the psychotic, is characterized, therefore, the denial of objective reality. As Fromm said: "Whatever the various manifestations of narcissism in all its forms is a common lack of genuine interest in the outside world ..." (op. cit. P. 71) But if
narcissism leads, as shown by the myth, self-destruction, because we are, to varying degrees, linked to this trend that seems dysfunctional in every respect for life? Fromm gives us that answer.
Narcissism is a passion whose intensity in many individuals may be comparable to sexual desire and the desire to be alive. In fact, many times turns out to be stronger of both. Even in the individual medium in which it does not have that intensity, it remains a core narcissistic that is almost indestructible. In those circumstances we might suspect that, like sex and survival, even narcissistic passion has an important biological function. ... Biologically, in terms of survival, man must give himself more important than than anyone else. If he did so from where you catch the energy and interest to defend itself against the other, to work for their livelihood, to fight for their survival, to raise their claims against those of others? ...
However, once it is recognized that narcissism plays an important biological function, we are faced with another problem. The extreme narcissism is not the function of making a man indifferent to others, unable to put their own needs in second place when it is necessary to cooperate with others? Narcissism does not make man asocial and, indeed, when it reaches an extreme degree, crazy? There is no doubt that the extreme individual narcissism would be a serious obstacle to the whole social life. But if this is true, it must be said that narcissism is in conflict with the principle of survival, because the individual can survive only if it is organized in groups, hardly anyone would be able to protect itself against the dangers of nature, nor would it be able to do many kinds of work which may be made only in the group. This causes the paradoxical result that narcissism is necessary for survival, and at the same time is a threat to survival. The solution of this paradox follows two directions: one is that narcissism is optimal for survival over the ceiling, that is to say, the degree of narcissism is biologically necessary to reduce the degree of narcissism is compatible with social co-operation; the other is that the individual is transformed into narcissism narcissism group, clan, nation, religion, race, etc.., become the objects of narcissistic passion rather than the individual. So narcissistic energy remains but is used in the interest of survival of the group rather than the individual's survival ...
From the point of view of any organized group that wants to survive, it is important that the group invested by its members of narcissistic energy. The survival of a group depends in some way by the fact that its members consider its importance as or more than that of their own lives, and who also believe in the validity, or rather in the superiority of their group in comparison to others.
(op. cit. Pp.72-78)
For Fromm, then, narcissism is a force that can not be eliminated, to some degree, it is functional to survival, affirmation of self, but when it makes too much ' individual unfit for social life and cooperation with other individuals. To prevent risks from excessive individual narcissism, the company encourages the movement of 'narcissistic energy from the individual to the social. At this point it will be your clan, nation or group of faithful to be invested with narcissistic energy. Belonging to a group, considered by its members above, is reflected, in fact, on a positive 'self-esteem of individuals who belong to it. Identification with a group considered "superior" can, in fact, improve self-image, a process that could be defined syllogistic: "My group is higher (major premise), I am a member of the group (minor premise ) = I'm better (conclusion). " As well as individual-level causes excessive narcissism, the inability to think in terms of objective even at a high social cohesion creates narcissistic pathological phenomena of the same sign.
regard to the pathology of narcissism group, the most obvious symptom, and frequently, as in the case of individual narcissism is a lack of objectivity and rational opinion ... If the policy actions are based on narcissistic self-glorification, the lack of objectivity often leads to disastrous consequences ... The narcissism of the group need satisfaction just as the individual. From one point of view that satisfaction comes from the common ideology of the superiority of their group, and the inferiority of everyone else ... If the narcissism of a group is hurt, then we find the same reaction of anger that we talked about the individual narcissism .... The violation of the flag, the insults against his God, emperor, leader, war and the loss of the territory have often led to violent feelings of revenge collective that later resulted in new wars. The wounded narcissism can only be appeased if the offender is crushed, and so the insult to his narcissism is cleared. The personal and national revenge, is based on wounded narcissism and the need to "heal" the wound through the annihilation of the offender.
(ibid., pp.85-87)
There is thus a narcissistic pathology a narcissistic individual and social pathology. What relationships exist between these two levels of narcissism? To try to answer your question, it is appropriate to compare different cultural models.
cultural models and visions of the self
A certain amount of self-respect, esteem and self-respect, in our Western culture are not only normal but desirable.
That this assumption, however, is not universal, we can understand some passages rebuilding intervention Jeanne Tsai, a psychologist at Stanford University, one of the meetings of the Mind and Life (study group formed by the Dalai Lama and leading researchers in psychology and neuroscience), whose contents can be found in the essay Destructive Emotions (Dalai Lama, D. Goleman 2003).
"How does culture influence the emotions? The cultures are similar and different in many respects. Social scientists have identified one of the differences between Western and non-Western cultures: the vision of self that, in turn, affects our emotions and our feelings ". Jeanne explained that the deepest core of the self seems to depend less on the culture, while the outer layer is strongly influenced them. This outer layer was the subject of his presentation today.
Although each cultural orientation of a certain amplitude, such as the vision of the self, to move along a continuum, Jeanne developed the argument stressing the extreme cases. "One type of this outer layer is what psychologists Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama call themselves a 'independent' - typical of people living in Western cultures - which sees itself as separate from others, including parents, children, the colleagues and friends. These people see the self as something that has values, beliefs - the internal attributes.
In contrast to this, there is a self 'interdependent', much more typical of people living in Asian cultures. These people see the self as something linked to the other, something that is indeed part of a social context. The interdependent self is defined in terms of social relations ...
"How do we know if these different visions of the self really exist? Although the literature and the arts provide the samples, we psychologists like to ask questions like 'Who are you?'. The Americans, with an independent self reply, 'I'm open, they are friendly, I'm smart, I am a good person', while the members of Asian cultures say, "I am a daughter or son, I work in this company, I play the piano" . Are defined more in terms of social roles that of inner attributes ...
"These different cultural views of the self affect the objectives that punctuate the life of an individual. The aim of the life of a person with an independent self is to separate, divide this into itself from the others. These are people who, in principle, they do express their inner beliefs, how they are saying and stressing their importance, particularly in relation to others ... But these objectives are different from those of someone who has an interdependent self, which is to contact with others and maintaining relationships. We do moderate our inner beliefs and minimizing the importance that we have respect the other ... These divergent views of the self affect different aspects of emotions ... First of all affect what constitutes an emotion desirable ... Westerners give value to the development of the self while Asians do damage to the cancellation of the self ... In American culture we think it's very, very important to have a high level of self-esteem ... We believe it is good to have a high self-esteem, low self-esteem and that's a bad thing, if it is low, for example, is related to depression and feelings of anxiety ... The idea is that Asians as they have on average lower self-esteem, may seem less healthy in terms of psychological within the dominant American culture. But it's not - it is simply the fact that their vision does not imply a normal exploitation of the self equal to that of Anglo-American. "
(op. cit. Pp. 334-340)
It is interesting to note here that the spread of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder seems to affect mainly certain cultural contexts. According to some observers, in fact, this disease has spread almost exclusively in Western capitalist countries.
How characterizes this disorder? We see the description given by P. Kernberg and others in Personality disorders in children and adolescents.
Although the grandiose sense of self-importance is central to the DP narcissistic vulnerability is a feature associated with self-esteem. This makes it an unusual patients with narcissistic DP extremely sensitive to criticism or failure, which may respond with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack. Their sense of entitlement endemic is often reflected in a failure of the superego, which looks like a lack of concern, guilt, or regret with respect to treat others badly. The non-self-monitoring that results gives rise to antisocial traits, personal bankruptcies, losses, or irresponsible behavior can be justified by rationalizations, prevarication or clear lies. In addition, introjects persecutors, destructive, primitive, which contribute to the formation of conscience, but which have not been well integrated into the superego, projected outside emerge in other anxieties as paranoid, or are expressed in somatic symptoms and how hypochondriacs. Finally, envy, deadly feature of the narcissistic patient with DP, destroys both the ability to experience satisfaction with what one has been able to do or gratitude for what others have done. The chronic sense of envy and devaluation, idealization of primitive self and others, efforts towards an omnipotent, narcissistic withdrawal or remain at a distance are all defenses that aim to protect the grandiose self.
(op. cit. 174)
In a culture that encourages a vision of themselves "independent", in which the individual is encouraged to define their own attributes to be through internal (and not under the system of relations where it is located), and where these attributes are going in the direction of the "strength and ability performing" Is it strange that people tend to hide their weaknesses and to develop a grandiose self-image?
The clinical link
Benasayag Schmit and in the essay The age of the passions sad (2005) depart from the negative assessment of our society, broken up in terms of (a social context of the pathogen itself), and have proposed a link clinic.
"Working for the autonomy of persons": this could be the motto of the dominant ideology in the context of the therapeutic and medico-social ... In a society where the ties are experienced as constraints or as contracts, the ' be self-perceived quality of society as a highly desirable ... It is worth a brief reference to Aristotle. Aristotle in fact, contradicting the common sense says that the slave is the one who has no ties, which does not have its place, which can be used everywhere and in different ways. The free man but one who has many links and many obligations towards others, towards the city and to the place where he lives ... Paradoxically, then, our company has succeeded in fashioning an ideal of freedom that looks like a drop water, the life of the slave as well as Aristotle defines
... One might say that in our society, being autonomous means simply to be strong ... We psychotherapists we must ask ourselves this goal: to make people weak that we shall "not weak" even knowing that it is absolutely impossible. In doing so, in fact, we put in even more trouble, so we refer devaluing their image of themselves, because they can not do what they should be, or be independent and strong.
The degree of strength and weakness is the only criterion used to think our lives and design our lives. The force is such an obsession that our society has produced a conception of freedom based on the domain: free is the one who dominates. ... Our contemporary dream-autonomous domain, are seeking to gain power over others and the environment that allows them to pursue their goals and satisfy their own desires without hindrance and without opposition anyone. ... Some therapeutic interventions are proposed as this autonomy-purpose power and try to help the patient to better control its environment, its psyche and its symptoms. In this logic is not at all interested in trying to understand the message or existential difficulties that lie behind the symptom or behavior, because what's important is to become a wolf-performance, dominating everything, including her own instincts, not the intention of the ideal wisdom of many philosophies, but to channel them for a productive life and utilitarian ...
Our company endorses the idea that everything is possible and that freedom is closely linked to the domain: we have the fate of all to win. The alternative to this mainstream philosophical view that freedom consists in taking their destiny ...
We are what is given, which is woven from a certain age and for some time. Not "have" a destiny but at the same time, we're nothing more, because any attempt to escape it condemns us to nothing, the fatality. In short, we have this fate. ... The fate of that complex conditions, histories and desires to meet and intertwine resulting in a singularity, a person. It consists of the bonds that we create and develop freely ... The freedom accorded with the destiny we get into a dimension of vulnerability. ... Entering the fragility means to live in an interdependent relationship, in a network of links with others. Ties that should not be seen as failures or successes, but as the possibility of a shared life. The bonds are not the limits of the ego, but what gives power to my freedom and my being. My freedom is not so that ends where the other's begins, but rather begins with the liberation of the other, through each other. In this sense one could say that individual freedom does not exist: there are only acts of liberation that connect us to others. This is the dimension, or rather these are the dimensions of fragility. A philosophical perspective of this type can form the basis of psychotherapy and can, in our opinion, to meet the challenges of our time.
(op. cit. Pag.101-106)
Concluding remarks
At the end of this overview on the narcissism which conclusions can be drawn? Thinking back to the lesson of Freud, that the individual pathology (intrapsychic conflict between the various departments, particularly between id and superego) can not be understood except in relation to a social context (in this case a society that sacrifices freedom in the name of security-re-read about it Discomfort civilization -), I believe that the phenomenon of narcissism at the individual level is not understood except in relation to an analysis of our socio-cultural context. Ours is a society which, according to Jeanne Tsai, cultivates a vision of the self independent of the individual as monad. We could also say that our culture celebrates extreme individualism at the expense of relations, lived almost as soon as possible to get rid of ties. This society and this culture encourage narcissistic pathologies at both individual and group level. The only way out of this situation seems to me that indicated by Fromm. In the essay already mentioned, Fromm, starting from the fact existence in each of us to a core narcissistic probably unavoidable, proposes a change of "object".
If the whole human family, could become the subject of narcissism group as an object instead of hiring a nation, a race, a political system, it would be an advantage. If the individual could experience, first as a citizen of the world and mankind could be proud of and work performed by it, his narcissism turned towards the human race, rather than to its members in conflict. If the educational systems of all countries an incentive to enterprises of mankind instead of the undertakings of a single nation, it could do something more compelling and dynamic in favor of the pride of being a man ...
(op. cit. pp.90-91)
In this perspective, which I personally agree, the effort cultural, educational and policy should go in the direction of increasingly recognize the interdependence of people and nations to the detriment of the illusory visions that face individuals and nations-atoms and glorious self-sufficient.
Benasayag, M., SCHMIT, G.
2005 The age of sad passions , Feltrinelli, Milan.
Dalai Lama, Goleman, D.
2004 Destructive Emotions , Mondadori, Milan.
1971 Civilization and its Discontents, Hogarth Press Bollati, Torino.
1971 Psychoanalysis love , Newton Compton, Rome.
Kernberg et al.
2001 Personality disorders in children and adolescents , Fiori, Rome.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Pay On Your Own Wording
is in cinemas for first release "Brotherhood" the feature debut of Danish director Nicolas Donato, winner of the Golden Marcus Aurelius at Rome Film Festival last year. The director of Italian descent, released Zoetrope from school by Lars Von Trier, signing a courageous and compelling film about a very sensitive issue: homosexuality in the extreme right. The story told by Donald puts it in the foreground the life of a neo-Nazi group that practices "nice" beat up homosexuals as a hobby in the evening, seeking them in their usual meeting places, or, alternatively, some hapless Pakistani. Diversity bothers ... As a hunter, we can see that the homosexual defense mechanism (called by M. Klein "projective identification"), through which is projected on the other person (the other) a part of one's self denied and refused, so that - once projected and identified him - could be denied to him, raped, killed. The other person becomes the screen on which to project, identify, attack the ghost of his inner monster, as if the other person aggredisse, raped, killed themselves, the deepest part and denied him, not what you want have access to consciousness.
Jimmy So, the hard Nazi group, what the boy befriends a homosexual, then fill the barrel with the other group, will be revealed throughout the film sensitive to the seduction of Lars, a young officer removed from the army after a scandal sexual nature. Among the opening scenes of the film is just the refusal of a promotion than a promise to Lars: "Some soldiers have told us of your special attention to them ... to silence the thing if you refuse the job." The career is nipped in anger relatives of Lars, an upper middle-class family who stubbornly does not listen to Lars, his reasons, but rather to "impose" a further attempt in the military, using the knowledge. This wall of incomprehension, boredom with the mundane life, Lars push to accept the invitation of "Kilo", the head clean off the face of the Nazis.
But because Lars, who knows he is gay and everything seems except the Nazis, joined the group? The director answers the question by saying: "He does not respect him at home because her mother wants it to be as she wants, the father is virtually absent, and he needs a family and love. At first he was attracted by the group because he sees that they have fun, are a kind of family, and then he meets Jimmy. And 'he who has no strong father figure at home, and you'll need. And then he falls in love. Not wishing to be Nazi, but he needs a reference group, where you feel appreciated. Do not get these things from his family. So his is a rational decision: he joined a group to make him feel somewhat important and respected. " This research
alternative to membership of a family is told in the film explicitly: When Lars finally fights with their parents for their interference in his decisions (procures an appointment for the mother to work without him Lars has asked), Lars will live with his "mentor" Jimmy.
Lars and Jimmy live in a small house to renovate near the sea, a place for the activities of the neo Nazi group. But in life together, the camaraderie, the infighting in the swim naked, comes the intimacy of bodies with a certain "naturalness" of the merger brings the two erotic and sexual.
will be the brother of Jimmy, a witness random a relationship between the two, to denounce the "crime" in Chile. Take it the revenge of the pack ... This
homosexual love story brings to mind a beautiful film by A. Lee "The Mysteries of Brokeback Mountain." 'S approach may seem unfair if you stop the narrative style: A. Lee, in fact, describes his love affair with high-definition images, the background of magnificent scenery, while Donato speaks a language almost dry documentary. But in both films comes a love story between men, where our stereotypes would exclude this possibility: between cowboys and neo-Nazis, the icon real male characters. Just a feeling of "unexpected" (what is expected is "commonplace"), brings to question the stereotypes: in our imagination is the homosexual "gay", effeminate, with soft movements, stylist or hairdresser. That's what his place in the social order ... not sure where in the army or are held at bay herds of animals!
That this stereotype of homosexuality is far from "natural", tells us that in ancient Greek culture, homosexuality was practiced by men regarded as more virile. Socrates, for example, is quoted by several sources as an example of heroism in war, tireless, brave, homosexual-heterosexual together ... Yes, homosexual and father, another infringement of our stereotypes that will perfectly "classify" the human nature into categories waterproof ...
So, this film deserves attention is the theme explored in both the quality of the look on these borderlands, a look that tells essentially a love story between men, with a grip on reality that makes me think of the documentary.

is in cinemas for first release "Brotherhood" the feature debut of Danish director Nicolas Donato, winner of the Golden Marcus Aurelius at Rome Film Festival last year. The director of Italian descent, released Zoetrope from school by Lars Von Trier, signing a courageous and compelling film about a very sensitive issue: homosexuality in the extreme right. The story told by Donald puts it in the foreground the life of a neo-Nazi group that practices "nice" beat up homosexuals as a hobby in the evening, seeking them in their usual meeting places, or, alternatively, some hapless Pakistani. Diversity bothers ... As a hunter, we can see that the homosexual defense mechanism (called by M. Klein "projective identification"), through which is projected on the other person (the other) a part of one's self denied and refused, so that - once projected and identified him - could be denied to him, raped, killed. The other person becomes the screen on which to project, identify, attack the ghost of his inner monster, as if the other person aggredisse, raped, killed themselves, the deepest part and denied him, not what you want have access to consciousness.
Jimmy So, the hard Nazi group, what the boy befriends a homosexual, then fill the barrel with the other group, will be revealed throughout the film sensitive to the seduction of Lars, a young officer removed from the army after a scandal sexual nature. Among the opening scenes of the film is just the refusal of a promotion than a promise to Lars: "Some soldiers have told us of your special attention to them ... to silence the thing if you refuse the job." The career is nipped in anger relatives of Lars, an upper middle-class family who stubbornly does not listen to Lars, his reasons, but rather to "impose" a further attempt in the military, using the knowledge. This wall of incomprehension, boredom with the mundane life, Lars push to accept the invitation of "Kilo", the head clean off the face of the Nazis.
But because Lars, who knows he is gay and everything seems except the Nazis, joined the group? The director answers the question by saying: "He does not respect him at home because her mother wants it to be as she wants, the father is virtually absent, and he needs a family and love. At first he was attracted by the group because he sees that they have fun, are a kind of family, and then he meets Jimmy. And 'he who has no strong father figure at home, and you'll need. And then he falls in love. Not wishing to be Nazi, but he needs a reference group, where you feel appreciated. Do not get these things from his family. So his is a rational decision: he joined a group to make him feel somewhat important and respected. " This research
alternative to membership of a family is told in the film explicitly: When Lars finally fights with their parents for their interference in his decisions (procures an appointment for the mother to work without him Lars has asked), Lars will live with his "mentor" Jimmy.
Lars and Jimmy live in a small house to renovate near the sea, a place for the activities of the neo Nazi group. But in life together, the camaraderie, the infighting in the swim naked, comes the intimacy of bodies with a certain "naturalness" of the merger brings the two erotic and sexual.
will be the brother of Jimmy, a witness random a relationship between the two, to denounce the "crime" in Chile. Take it the revenge of the pack ... This
homosexual love story brings to mind a beautiful film by A. Lee "The Mysteries of Brokeback Mountain." 'S approach may seem unfair if you stop the narrative style: A. Lee, in fact, describes his love affair with high-definition images, the background of magnificent scenery, while Donato speaks a language almost dry documentary. But in both films comes a love story between men, where our stereotypes would exclude this possibility: between cowboys and neo-Nazis, the icon real male characters. Just a feeling of "unexpected" (what is expected is "commonplace"), brings to question the stereotypes: in our imagination is the homosexual "gay", effeminate, with soft movements, stylist or hairdresser. That's what his place in the social order ... not sure where in the army or are held at bay herds of animals!
That this stereotype of homosexuality is far from "natural", tells us that in ancient Greek culture, homosexuality was practiced by men regarded as more virile. Socrates, for example, is quoted by several sources as an example of heroism in war, tireless, brave, homosexual-heterosexual together ... Yes, homosexual and father, another infringement of our stereotypes that will perfectly "classify" the human nature into categories waterproof ...
So, this film deserves attention is the theme explored in both the quality of the look on these borderlands, a look that tells essentially a love story between men, with a grip on reality that makes me think of the documentary.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Small Cyst Removal Cost

Espresso on sale (July 1, 2010), in the "Company", we find an article on men's fashion for spring-summer 2011, entitled Mister Dandy. Carry forward the starting point and some step to be able to comment on its contents.
Men's fashion is a Catch-22. In the sense of paradox. In "Catch 22" Joseph Heller, was the irreconcilable contradiction in the military regulations, including the article "The only reason to seek leave from the front is madness" and another that said "Whoever asks for release from front is not crazy. " In menswear the loop is this: if a high level of creativity, is often eccentric, but when it is wise risk predictability. The deja vu, mortal sin of style. Are not infinite, even a few notes that you can play, to build the harmony of elegance manly. Fence is simple: men's fashion is an exercise in cleverness. All the more so in times that they forgive anything to anyone. So the spring-summer 2011, just presented in Milan, she moved between these poles. The bar was high: the signs of recovery are there, but they are shy, and a consumer still traumatized by the last two years of crisis, it must be disoriented. So we have seen a bombing nice initiatives, ideas and requests. To strike the imagination ...
If there is an issue, is the return of a dandy graceful (emphasis ours). That does not seem to give weight to anything in his contented indolence So the man D & G, and presented herself to a picnic dressed in Vichy, often in Bermuda, other end inevitable, prints and patterned espadrilles Hawaii. In the evening, the dinner jacket is soft, pastel colors. Neodandy, even D'Annunzio, the Etro man who wears paisley prints on shirts in georgette silk shorts that joins. The work does not seem his concern, as is the case by Salvatore Ferragamo: easy to imagine her man on the Croisette, set for perfect blue blazer, striped jackets, light sandals chic. Horses exasperated tones, his is the most dandy dandy of them all: he has imagined a trip to Indonesia, hence the color and prints, embroidered shirts, silk animal print, the details sequins. A man who starts with travel bags in suede and crocodile: he slipped in mohair jackets and slippers, evening crystals.
Barthes in "The dandyism et la mode" (Dandies and dandyism, United States Lines, 1962) says that fashion has killed dandyism generalizations: "It is the intervention of an intermediate power between the individual absolute and total mass . The fashion was somehow responsible for engulf and neutralize the dandyism: the modern society has established as a sort of body of equalization is intended to establish a balance between the need for automatic singularity and the right of all to meet it " .
The first question, then, is this: it is possible to speak of dandyism, statement of originality and uniqueness within the fashion industry, which by its calling is directed to the most reproducible model, or at least to a specific market segment?
The second question concerns the phrase "pretty dandy." You can use the term "graceful" in the case of the dandy, a figure that has produced a scandal in its history, played with the challenge to the limits of social rule, until the breach? For
groped to answer these questions I think it is necessary to review briefly the history of dandyism. In England at the end of the eighteenth century, appears, in the high society of London, a blue frock coat, a tie immaculate, starched, the tight cream trousers, and high boots with flaps, all worn by the 'arbiter elegantiae "par excellence: Lord Brummell, known as Beau ( the 'beautiful'). It is the elegance of who plays himself, who "lives and sleeps in front of a mirror" (Baudelaire). In his meteoric rise in society, Brummell became a director and friend of the regent king, George IV, Prince of Wales. But the Beau, the impertinence personified elegant, does not recognize the sovereignty of anyone, much less the sovereign - aspiring dandy - that Brummell is terrible, sometimes coming to embarrass him in public with some subtle joke: "Bend over, Brummell, before the king? Not so, could crease the costume. " When the ruler tries to imitate his friend, inventing the 'unbuttoned vest', fashion that is not followed by anyone but by courtiers, servants, waiters, teamsters, in short, the snob.
Let us pause a moment on the word snob is often inappropriately applied over the dandyism: snob comes from the Latin sine ennobled and means "devoid of titles of nobility." According to Thackeray (The Book of Snobs, 1945), the snob is someone who felt less physically, trying to hide under the guise of the slicer: characterizes the principle of emulation, imitation a model. The snob reproduces the external signs of social class and reference this imitation of the model shows a desire to belong to that class. The dandy is the opposite of a snob. Lord Brummel said that they preferred to surprise rather than pleasure. Each company had its appearance in amazement, every bounce of his jokes in conversation as an ipse dixit, every solution of the clothing spread like a wave. It reminds one of his famous quip directed to the Prince of Wales was at the park with a friend, who stopped to greet the prince strong Brummel asked his friend: "Who is your fat friend?" ("Who is that your fat friend ?). Insolence Similarly, provocative, it was unthinkable for a snob. The central point of difference between a snob and a dandy who is the snob, in the process of assimilation of models, combining tends to uniformity, the dandy accentuates the separation. The snob seeks consensus, is intended to be integrated into a privileged social class, the dandy caused a scandal, it increases the social distance, isolation tents. The posh part of the difference and seeks equality, the dandy from the equality part to make difference. While the snob is fully functional within the bourgeois world, the dandy digs an abyss of difference to fall into it, until his death. Brummell, in voluntary exile in Paris to escape by gambling debts, he died insane in a hotel, at the end of one of the frequent receptions imaginary which had invited all the English nobility.
Around the second half of the nineteenth century, dandyism is more alive in France, where the dandy becomes the exponent of a culture of appearance and the diversity that reveals strong connections with the artistic and literary movements. Baudelaire and the most significant figure (1821-1867). Among the pages of Le peintre de la vie moderne (1863) we read: "We do call refined, amazing, beaux, lions or dandies, all from the same origin, all share the same character of opposition and rebellion all are representatives of what is best human pride, of this need, too rare today, to combat and destroy triviality ... ". Baudelaire sees in dandy copy of a new spiritual aristocracy, which appears on the social scene is not so with the determination of a species on the rise as with the pride of an endangered species: "... the last flicker of heroism in decline ... a setting sun, which declines as the star ... superb, without heat and full of melancholy. " The dandy is opposed to the "old", represented by the rites of the old aristocracy, nobility, and the "new" ambiguous values \u200b\u200bof the emerging of a society on the road to democracy.
At the end of the nineteenth century, the most representative figure of dandyism is Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). With him, the offense becomes dandistica sex scandal. The sentencing of Wilde in 1895 in two years' hard labor for violating the criminal law that codified moral rules in sexual matters, is an ice shower for aspects of sexuality atypical fashion, until now almost accepted, provided always in due form of " controlled transgression. "
After this brief and incomplete overview of the phenomenon dandistico, we try to answer the two questions raised by reading the article Espresso.
As suggested by Barthes, fashion and dandyism are two incompatible social phenomena. Research In dandy's extreme originality, the emergence of the "masculine singular" in the fashion provides a reproducible model. The dandy is produced as a work of art, who lives in his aura of uniqueness, is a phenomenon that at the time of mechanical reproduction of works of art, it is difficult to revive. The consumer society only allows the imitation of models, being fashionable by the adoption of the various regional proposal. The fashion from this point of view, is a phenomenon that most snobbish dandy. The fashion for most of its history, it is characterized, in fact, that process of diffusion that Veblen in his work The Theory of the Leisure Class, called "trickle down effect", drip effect. In other words, the fashion spread in society, "dripping" from top to bottom: the fashions were thrown from the upper classes, only to be taken slowly from below. Emulation, however, as we have observed, what characterizes snobbery: it is the illusion that carry the outward signs of the upper class can produce the magic of a membership in fact denied. Today, talk of spreading the fashion for "dripping" from top to bottom no longer makes sense. The parties are often reversed, and the fashions of the street, the popular ones (... if we think of Jeans) enter the sphere of fashion, upsetting the top-down paradigm. But beyond the up-down direction, the fact is that fashion is always playing a model, never speaks in the plural the singular.
Turning now to the question on the relationship dandyism-fashion, I think we can respond by saying that fashion is a close relative of snobbery, but not dandy.
Regarding the second question concerning the expression pretty dandy, I think it's a real oxymoron (more or less like saying "hot ice"). Use the graceful expression, it means to speak of a sense of proportion, of harmony. In fact we are talking about in the right measure of creativity / predictability, new and deja vu. But the search for the dandy wants to inspire awe, playing with the extreme limits of the rule, sometimes pass it up the scandal. There is no sense of measure that refers to the category of "classic", the dandy is baroque. It must be said that today was a very hard life dandy: in a context where everything is colored with deja vu, in fact, surprise is the art more difficult, if not impractical! For the dandy there is no possibility of grace ...
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