In Rome in the Courtyard of the Palace of the Conservatives in the Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, Tuesday, July 27 at 21:30 will take place the show 'Schumann House', designed and produced by the "Journal of Nations" and starring Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman in the roles of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck, reminiscent of the correspondence is by reading the diary family of two musicians, the Key stages of their artistic and human relationship.

'Schumann House' focuses on family events, professional and human resources of a pair of the most famous artists in music history: the composer Robert Schumann, which this year marks the bicentenary of the birth, and the famous pianist Clara Wieck his wife and companion of art.
The show, which is composed of elements of music and theater wants to evoke those that were the deepest and most intimate moments of this union that reproducing the atmosphere of music and animated the meeting house of the Schumann. The drama is inspired by some of the most beautiful and passionate letters of the family diary that the two musicians shared since the late 30s, and winds its way through the reading of excerpts of these letters reveal how strong was the link between the two artists, though stubbornly opposed by the father of Clara. The project aims in an even stronger thanks to the scene of Ugo Pagliai e Paola Gassman united in life and in art as Robert and Clara and which will be adjusted to the narrative. On stage, also the pianist who will perform Imma Baptist some songs by Schumann, Wieck, Brahms, Mendelssohn, which were composed during the period in which the diary was written, to recreate the atmosphere of the time and add pathos to the narrative.
The show made in connection with 'Scene in Rome 2010' is free admission upon reservation number 06:06:08.
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