In his latest essay Five steps (2010) R. Benini, psychologist and psychotherapist, finds a path toward growth ' self that is divided into several steps or, as he says, in five steps
happens all of a sudden. Without the man who asks, without understanding the meaning and without any warning, he is "thrown" in the world. At first his situation is so precarious that, deprived of aid for adults, quickly return to the starting condition ... For others, however, begins a struggle for survival that drives them to seek appropriate forms of adaptation to the environment of life. This can happen only when the man actually becomes a "master" of his mental and physical resources, which can use to show the outside world and its inhabitants and to face the demands and changes of life.
The first great task of man ... is to know what strategies to use to choose which strategies to use to achieve the objectives listed above. To achieve all This requires that, during growth, and not for the rest of his life, he is helped to accept the precariousness of his condition, to integrate all its internal parts ..., to meet the needs of each of them, not to escape in front of the existential anxieties and build personal forms of adaptation. "(op. cit., p. 23)
We see in detail the five steps ...
First step: accept the human condition
Benini part by a consideration of nature philosophy that echoes the existentialism Sartiano: the man is thrown into the world as , apart from his will. The man is therefore the condition of not to reject his existence: 'exist in the world and relate to it are a necessity that every man can not escape. Moreover, as Sartre says, there is no God and can guarantee to give a precise and specific meaning to the world. The human condition is, therefore, experienced as a necessary reality in which we find ourselves, but without warranty of any kind of sense.
The man thus lives with a demand for meaning which often can not be answered: "Learning to live without knowing the real meaning of existence, is no easy task and it is even more when we grow is a person who, in turn, very confused and scared. "(ibid., p. 32). Benini is skeptical about the possibility of solving the problem that arises with the awareness of death (for he is an insoluble question, because in life we \u200b\u200bhave no experience of death, thinking that recalls the words of the Letter to Menoeceus of Epicurus as "the most terrible evil, death is nothing for us, because when we are there is not death, when there is death we are no longer "), and suggests that the meaning of existence can be found in a process leading to self-realization, in which one can achieve a high level of adaptation based on self-respect, of others and the environment in which we live. This is the meaning that derives from the fullness of being: "To do that man must satisfy their natural needs, to combat fear and adapt to the laws of adaptation: targets far from impossible, if the company they belong and reference adults, instead of getting lost behind unsolvable questions or chasing paradise of the afterlife, to teach their children the love for life and for people like themselves. "(ibid., p. 32)
ultimately accept the human condition is to accept living with uncertainty: "Beyond what may be the dramatic vision of existence is ... clear that the only way forward is to help people to accept their condition (environmental and relational), a fundamental step to be able to live fully and in some cases, to be able to change it. "(ibid., pp. 33-34)
Second step: integrate the three minds
Benini again about this "second step" theory of the three brains, "first formulated by Maclean ( Evolution of the brain and human behavior , Torino , Einaudi, 1984), that there are three distinct types of brain characters to neurophysiological and psychological skills and differentiated by origin and phylogenetic age: respectively are named as paleoencefalo or reptilian brain, or limbic brain paleomammifero; neomammifero brain or neocortex. The reptilian brain
chair forms of repetitive behavior, genetically determined, according to rigid programs that do not accept change. In a sense, according to Maclean are part of the "repetition compulsion" mentioned by Freud.
The limbic system, however, allows mammals to receive signals from the external environment that both the inner and adapt better to each of them. Acting as a transmitter of information from outside and inside, assures us of "separateness" from that which is different from us and the "cohabitation" with ourselves that lasts a lifetime. In other words, with this brain apparent self-consciousness.
Finally, the neocortex is the brain that Maclean is "capable of reading, writing and arithmetic." The neocortex is oriented towards the outside world, from which it receives the information and in which draw maps articulated. Moreover, it is capable of innovation, knows how to design solutions also face new problems and predict the consequences of their choices.
Benini reformulates the theory of the three brains, talking about the coexistence of three minds, an expression of different developmental levels achieved: the organic mind , Looking at the instinctual sphere, and the psychological mind , which allows the creation of self-consciousness, the social mind , which gives rise to empathy and knowledge of others. These minds, to Benin, are placed each in a different stage of ontogenetic development and phylogenetic, and lack of good integration between them is to create a chaotic situation and conflict. The man who built it manages to combine the different instruments, responding to the different needs that each mind asks to meet. The mind asks
biological response to the needs of self-preservation (human biology), the mind gives rise to the psychological needs of self-knowledge (human psychology): the social mind, finally, gives life to the needs of report (human capital), "Man built, according to the demands of existence, will therefore be able, from time to time, to coordinate the" men "in-house and use the one most suited to the situation, moving driven by the need for self-realization.
Third step: to recognize and meet human needs
Benitez takes the theory of human needs formulated by Maslow (Motivation and personality , Rome, Armando, 1973), remodeled the house in shape. Maslow has
conative needs within a pyramid scheme:
basic needs are defined physiological and concern such as hunger and thirst, followed by a step ahead of security needs, those needs that make us feel the need of a world social order ruled by laws, a step higher are the needs for belonging and affection , that need that drives us towards the inter-human relationships (for example, you want the friendship or belong to a group), the fourth step, there are estimated to cover the needs of self-esteem and the esteem of others, and finally in step are the highest needs of self-involving the development of its potential (for example, for those who have talent for music is to become self-musician).
satisfaction lower in the pyramid of needs enables you to experience the highest needs. The major frustration of needs produces pathology.
Benitez uses the metaphor of the tree instead of the pyramid: the base of the tree place the needs of self-preservation affecting the physical survival (eg, biological needs. Eat, drink, sleep, care needs of the body) and psychological (security needs - eg. live in a safe territory - and heal the psyche), the height of the first branches are the needs of self-determination (self-knowledge) that refer to the need to build mental boundaries of be emotionally nurtured, to the need for autonomy and dependence are higher than the needs of report covering the whole sphere of social interaction (recognition-related needs to be acknowledged and recognized-and to live actively in social groups of reference) in the tree are the needs for self with which deepens the understanding of their inner world and the environment in which we live, we express their potential and feel free to contact their emotions.
Step Four: Do not run away with the existential anxieties
The systematic frustration of needs produces anxiety: the psychotic anxieties derived from a deep frustration of self-preservation-related needs (anxiety, fragmentation and persecution) and produce a distortion of objective reality, the narcissistic anxieties (aside from anxiety and abandonment) stem from the frustration of the needs of self-determination and knowledge of itself and produce a deformation of the representation of self and others; the neurotic anxieties (anxiety, rejection and exclusion), then, derive from the frustration of needs report and produce a deformation of the emotional content and / or cognitive impairments. It should be noted that the relationship between needs and distress is inversely: with increasing satisfaction needs decreases anxiety.
"A child growing up in the anguish is forced to distance themselves, without being aware, from their real needs and is led to replace them, depending on the type of distress present with false social and family needs, in severe cases it finds himself prey to chronic diseases and psychological and physical. "(ibid., p.79)
Fifth step: building a personal adjustment to life
The last step in the evolutionary path for Benitez is the construction of a personal adaptation to life, based on three "laws":
• The law of balance: the concerns homeostatic capacity of the organism to find a new balance in the light of changes;
• The Law of Communication is about the ability to contact the internal environment (the three minds) and the external environment (physical and relational) and in order to decode proper signals from within and without;
• The law of sole symptom: a symptom occurs whenever a man is not able to respond effectively to the other two laws, ie the symptom indicates a mismatch, an imbalance, a lack of communication .
To build realistic and subjective forms of adaptation to life: "... it is necessary to reach a good understanding laws of human adaptation and the ability to apply them flexibly and individually "(ibid., p.117)
Benini reminds us in several passages of his essay that this growth is very often hampered by a culture of belonging and educational practices are unable to respond to the needs of the child and the most authentic person.
gives birth to a baby does not magically endow it with the ability to love life and be able to give it meaning. These resources, in fact, be educated and developed in the small already during growth and in adults for the rest of life. We learned, however, that in the presence of immature society and "greedy" by anxious adults and ideologies and religions are more attentive to castrate the man not to approach him lovingly to his needs, can be determined in the individual life situations of suffering ... In order not to perpetuate the "great deception" is therefore necessary for man to learn to take care of himself and of his many troubles. This is achieved by teaching the individual to "look inward" to raise awareness that it's self and to question all maladaptive behaviors or against nature ... What is certain is that if modern man continues nell'infantile illusion to live a drug that is sufficient, or the improvement of its image, or the accumulation of consumer goods to eliminate the existential anguish, and risks seeing in the coming years, a further "barbarism" of the existence . The most terrible disaster that can affect the human being, in fact, is to lose himself and losing the social and psychological resources necessary to fill their lives with meaning and to remain "attached" to their own situation.
(ibid., p.120)
In line with the teachings of Freud in Civilization and Its Discontents relates the suffering psychological individual with society and culture of the time, Benitez points out that behind the growing malaise of the psyche (puzzling are the data reported in the paper about the growth of depressive illness) is a society unable to provide values \u200b\u200band directions useful for a full sense of human fulfillment. The responsibility for the way out is primarily in the hands of those who carry out their educational duties and, in the first place is for this essay.
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